Lodi News-Sentinel

No: Trump and the mendacity of fear

- Zachery Tyson Brown, an Army veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanista­n, is a security fellow at the Truman National Security Project, a founding member of the Steady State, and a Military Writers Guild board member. He wrote this for InsideSour­ces.com.

Four American presidents have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The first was Theodore Roosevelt, for his work to bring an end to the Russo-Japanese war. The second was Woodrow Wilson, whose Fourteen Points remain the framework upon which the liberal world order tenuously hangs. The third was Jimmy Carter, who was recognized for a lifetime of post-presidenti­al service advancing the cause of human dignity and freedom.

When President Barack Obama was the fourth to be nominated in 2009, his Republican detractors howled in outrage. But what Obama's conservati­ve critics missed was that the youthful president was not awarded the Nobel on the hopes of what he might accomplish, but on the audacity of hope itself — a quality Obama practicall­y embodied, one that had propelled him to the White House.

What a contrast between then and now.

President Donald Trump would be the fifth American president to win the Nobel Peace Prize if selected by the committee. But if Trump embodies anything, it's only mendacity and fear. Where Obama said, "Yes We Can," Trump said "Only I Can." Where Obama sought to strengthen America's alliances, Trump has abrogated our treaties and abandoned our allies. Where Obama entered office with a message exhorting Americans to reject fear and choose hope, Trump did so by describing an "American carnage" — which in retrospect seems like more of a promise.

From a pandemic that has needlessly killed more Americans in a scant few months than 20 years of terrorism and war, to a torrent of police brutality, violent white nationalis­m and lawless vigilantis­m, this year alone has brought the contradict­ions between these two administra­tions into high relief. The overlappin­g medical, economic, societal and civil-military crises of 2020 have deepened impression­s of the United States as a declining power unable to solve its own problems, let alone help anyone else with theirs. They have produced grim assessment­s of a former superpower reduced to the "sick man" of the 21st-century, even as a failed state. National pride is at an alltime low, and Americans have entered the final weeks of a contentiou­s election more angry, ashamed and afraid as they've ever been.

The notion that Donald Trump — the man who earlier this year attempted to start a war with Iran to distract from his impeachmen­t trial, who just this summer called the world wars "beautiful," who just last week bragged about possessing a secret nuclear doomsday weapon — should be awarded the Nobel would be laughable if it weren't so outrageous.

Obama was nominated, according to former Norwegian Prime Minister Thorbjorn Jagland, on account of the aspiration­al tenor of his presidenti­al campaign.

"No one could deny," Jagland said, "that the internatio­nal climate had suddenly improved, and that Mr. Obama was the main reason . ... We want to embrace the message that he stands for."

Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a far-right Norwegian parliament­arian, nominated Trump — ostensibly for his work toward a settlement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. An agreement was signed, but both sides are already disagreein­g over its interpreta­tion, and the Palestinia­n Authority has rejected it outright. Even if we grant the merits of the accord on its face, however, Gjedde's motivation­s for nominating Trump are suspect. He is best known inside Norway for anti-immigrant rhetoric scarcely distinguis­hable from that of Anders Breivik, the terrorist who slaughtere­d 77 people in 2011. Outside of Norway he is known as a strong supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and coincident­ally enough, an advocate for Norway and the European Union to legitimize Putin's illegal seizure of Crimea in 2014. He might as well have nominated Putin himself, because the Russian president is one of the few world leaders to embrace what Trump supports.

Alfred Nobel gave few guidelines to choose future recipients of his prize. But the first and most important was that they had worked for fraternity between nations. Theodore Roosevelt did that with an indefatiga­ble spirit that brought two warring emperors to the negotiatio­n table. Woodrow Wilson did it by uniting the people of the world, in spirit, if not in deed. Jimmy Carter did it with decades of untiring effort to make our world a better place. Barack Obama did it by inspiring people around the world with the idea of America itself.

Instead of promoting brotherhoo­d between nations, Donald Trump has only sown division, both at home and abroad. It is insulting enough that his name will forever be associated with those other presidents. It should not mar the list of Nobel Prize recipients.

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