Lodi News-Sentinel

Writer humanizes the homeless


Editor: I just finished reading the second part of Chris Piombo’s story about Dave and Biscuit and I would like to commend Chris for writing such an insightful piece. Homelessne­ss is a real problem and Chris helped to “open our eyes” to the other side of some of these situations.

Here is a man who has some money, just not enough. He budgets to be able to keep his vehicle legal and to feed himself and his dog, sometimes saving money for a $12 shower. But in this economy it just isn’t enough. I know this wouldn’t apply to many of the homeless but for the few that live this lifestyle they do what they need to do to survive and get by.

Chris’ story made that clear and showed us what a little compassion can do. I thank him and the others that tried to help Dave and I’m sorry that nothing worked out. Then I recalled a recent story on KCRA news about a new women’s shelter opening up in Sacramento. The reporter said it was a very large “tent” but once inside it didn’t look anything like a tent. There was a kitchen, bathroom facilities, sleeping quarters and places to gather.

I wonder if Lodi should consider something like this for our town. It would have to have very strict requiremen­ts to get in, such as no drugs or alcohol, and it should allow pets. Pets are the lifeline for some of these people. Maybe space outside for a community garden so the residents can make a contributi­on to their own food. Something to consider.

But as I close once again, thank you Chris for sharing this story with us. It was well worth the read and made one person and his dog visible. And, thanks to your son for opening your eyes.



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