Lodi News-Sentinel

Search for truth


Editor: In the “old days,” if a person was denigrated by an unproven lie, the liar could be sued for slander/libel. Today, anyone can tell a lie which isn’t verified, and others can still keep it alive by expounding on it. In his letter on Sept. 12, Mr. Flemmer said that Trump has contempt for our military personnel. All those present when this took place, including an enemy of Trump, said they did not hear him say the things the anonymous liar quoted

Mr. Flemmer implied that the president is the cause of COVID-19 because he lied to the public. That’s ridiculous. The governor of each state determines how his/her state will manage the virus. When the president was interviewe­d, he explained why he downplayed the virus. He didn’t want to cause a panic among the American people. If that was a bad decision, so be it. We all make bad decisions occasional­ly.

Can 42,600,000 unemployme­nt claims in 2020 be our president’s fault? In 2019 unemployme­nt was at 3.5%, as low as it was in 1969. It got that way during Trump’s first years in office.

If Mr. Flemmer doesn’t want a liar for a president, he better look closer into Mr. Biden’s past. During his last stint at campaignin­g, Mr. Biden destroyed a truck driver’s life when he told his fellow Americans that a drunk truck driver killed his wife and child. The accident report stated there was no alcohol involved. That truck driver’s daughter told the true story after he died, to clear his name.

Demand proof before accepting a statement as truth. When Mr. Flemmer stated the president was impeached, I thought that was not true until I investigat­ed and found out that “impeached” means to be charged with a crime, not guilty of a crime.



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