Lodi News-Sentinel

Push to force health care vote garners some GOP support

- By Mary Ellen McIntire

WASHINGTON — Six Senate Republican­s, including five facing tight reelection races this fall, voted with Democrats on Thursday on a procedural vote on legislatio­n to block the Trump administra­tion from intervenin­g in a lawsuit to overturn the 2010 health care law.

Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Martha McSally of Arizona and Dan Sullivan of Alaska voted to end debate on proceeding to a bill that would block the Department of Justice from advocating that a court should overturn the health care law, including in a high-profile challenge to the law that the Supreme Court is set to hear on Nov. 10.

Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, who is not on the ballot this year, also voted with Democrats to advance to the bill.

The cloture vote on proceeding to the measure was set up by Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer in an unusual move to force Republican­s to vote on an issue Democrats consider politicall­y difficult for them. It fell short by a vote of 51-43 — 60 votes were required.

Collins previously criticized the administra­tion for supporting the lawsuit. Gardner released an ad last month affirming his support for coverage of preexistin­g health conditions.

The vote capped off two days of both parties trading votes on bills related to coverage for preexistin­g conditions, which members of both parties say they support and is a key issue for voters. The Senate on Wednesday voted 47-47 not to table a Republican proposal on preexistin­g conditions by North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis that mirrors his bill on the issue.

While the Democratic bill would have banned the Justice Department from intervenin­g in the lawsuit, now known as Texas v. California, it would not have ended the legal challenge altogether. The lawsuit was first brought by a group of Republican state attorneys general.

A group of Democratic state officials also intervened, along with the Democratic-led House, to defend the law when the Trump administra­tion said it would side with Republican­s seeking to kill the health care law.

The measure Tillis offered Wednesday would reaffirm the 2010 law’s existing guarantee that people cannot be denied coverage or charged more for it based on health status.

While Republican­s say the proposal is not a comprehens­ive alternativ­e to the health care law and is meant to affirm those protection­s if the Supreme Court does overturn the law, Democrats criticized it for not going far enough, since it would not extend to other parts of the 2010 law that provide coverage to people with medical needs.

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