Lodi News-Sentinel

Make more catalase — it’s good for your health

- This informatio­n is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For a longer version of this article, visit www.suzycohen.com.

Catalase is an important enzyme you make in your liver, just like glutathion­e. These are both strong antioxidan­ts.

It’s incredibly important to your health, and I hope you are still making enough of it. If you’re not, all kinds of health problems can ensue. That’s because catalase breaks down a poison, turning it into water and oxygen. If you don’t have enough catalase, the poisonous peroxide builds up in your tissues and organs. The thyroid will suffer, as will arteries and all of your organs.

One catalase molecule can convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules to water and oxygen each second. You could say it prevents “rusting,” in a way! Reducing peroxide via catalase is therefore anti-aging — it reduces the speed at which one rusts (or turns grey).

We know this because aberration­s in the genetic CAT code (think SNP!) will cause the CAT gene to stop producing normal, healthy amounts of the enzyme catalase. This can lead to premature greying of the hair.

Catalase is used commercial­ly in the dairy industry to remove peroxide from milk prior to making cheese. It protects garments from peroxide during the fabric making process, especially polyester. Contact lens makers rinse the peroxide off with catalase.

In the human body, catalase acts like a vacuum cleaner, similarly to glutathion­e, another potent antioxidan­t. It can help with hypertensi­on, which is a silent disease that leads to devastatin­g consequenc­es if not controlled.

There was an important study about this: Researcher­s studied one of the most popular blood pressure medication­s of all time, called “lisinopril” (brand names vary). The researcher­s evaluated the effect of lisinopril on cholestero­l and blood pressure, because — as you know — an increase in either of those raises risk for heart attack and stroke.

The researcher­s determined that lisinopril did not have any impact on lipids or cholestero­l — after all, it is for hypertensi­on. But the interestin­g thing is that they noticed a catalase connection. The higher the blood pressure was in a participan­t, the lower the amount of catalase enzyme present.

Lisinopril seems to work, at least in part, by raising your catalase levels, specifical­ly in your red blood cells. This in turn will improve blood pressure numbers, both

systolic and diastolic. This suggests that lisinopril has a secondary mechanism of action ... the first being that it’s an ACE inhibitor and the second being it raises red blood cell catalase.

Would supplement­s do the same? No one can say, and the reason is that the drug is raising endogenous levels of catalase. No supplement was given to these participan­ts. Besides, dietary supplement­s do not cure diseases and no claims can be made in that regard, according to current FDA guidelines. I want to be clear in case they read this, I am referring to the catalase enzyme you make inside your body.

The informatio­n I’m sharing is based upon an article entitled “Can Erythrocyt­e Catalase Regulate Blood Pressure?” which was published in 2016.

Your body manufactur­es its own catalase.

It’s critical to make more of it by maintainin­g liver health. This is a potent antioxidan­t that also destroys formaldehy­de, too.

If this topic interests you, and you would like to read the longer version of my article and learn more about formaldehy­de sources, please sign up for my free newsletter at my website.

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