Lodi News-Sentinel

Light Up Lodi event aims to spark cheer

Decoration contest is open to homes and businesses


It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but a surge in COVID-19 cases is putting a damper on the Christmas season.

To bring back some of that holiday cheer and make the season bright, the City of Lodi is hosting a new outdoor event and contest, Light Up Lodi.

“It was an idea we just decided to run with, trying to get the community back together as a whole and trying to brighten people’s spirits,” city recreation manager Jennifer Winn said.

Residents are invited to put up an outdoor Christmas, holiday or winter display before Dec. 9, and register with Lodi Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. Registrati­on costs $10, and includes a spot on a Google Map that the city is creating as a guide for residents, as well as an entry into the People’s Choice contest for best decor.

The contest is open to individual­s, family and businesses, and the city has invited each department to join in the festivitie­s, Winn said. Addresses of participat­ing homes and businesses will be publicized as part of the event.

Everyone who enters a display can send a photo — and optionally, a video, but a still photo is required — in order to enter the contest. Prizes will be gift cards to local businesses (to be announced at a later date), with first place earning $50, second place nabbing $30, and $20 for third place.

Anyone within Lodi city limits

and the town of Woodbridge may enter.

From Dec. 14 to 20, the map with participat­ing locations will be publicized at www.lodi.gov/PRCS and www.facebook.com/LodiParks. Lodi residents can then hop in the car or go for a walk and head out to view the displays.

“During that week, we will be posting pictures of all the homes and businesses that registered for you to vote for your favorite,” Winn said.

Residents will be able to vote via the PRCS Facebook page.

The contest was announced last week, and the city has already seen a great response, Winn said.

“We actually have over a dozen people registered already,” she said.

There’s no specific theme, aside from Christmas and winter holidays, she said.

There are, however, a couple of rules. All displays must be outdoors in areas visible to passersby. No violent, scary, gruesome, political or offensive displays will be permitted. Entries may not be associated with handouts, promotiona­l materials or free giveaways.

While religious images are allowed, any displays intended to recruit members for a particular church or promote one faith at the expense of others will not be included.

“Obviously it is a religious holiday, so we’re not discouragi­ng crosses or Jesus,” Winn said.

The City of Lodi reserves the right to exclude any photos or videos that do not follow these rules from the contest. To enter the contest, visit www.lodi.gov/PRCS.

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