Lodi News-Sentinel

Embrace Santa, support Adopt-A-Child


Editor: I am writing to encourage people to pick up an Angel Tag at Lodi Adopt-A-Child or donate to them.

With this year being an especially difficult year, it would be so nice to bless the children with their gift requests. In last Saturday’s paper I saw that Santa is only ahead of the Grinch by a few tags so it prompted me to write this letter. My husband has been Santa there for the last few years and he has come home from there when the event was finished feeling so blessed to see the expression­s on the children's faces when they get to sit on his lap.

Pictures have been taken of them and their families that will give them many memories. They are so excited. They have lined up anxiously awaiting (even on rainy days) for this day to come. This year things will be handled differentl­y due to the coronaviru­s and unfortunat­ely no Santa and no big event, but they will still receive their gifts.

It would be such a shame for some of the children to not receive their gifts this year. Santa has always won before so please don’t let the Grinch beat Santa this year. You may pick up a tag at Lodi Adopt-A-Child or make a monetary donation if you aren't able to shop for their gift. Santa has elves that can do the shopping for you.

Please find it in your heart to bless these children. Thank you, God Bless and have a Merry Christmas.


Thanks to all who keep Lodi Lake open

Editor: In this period of COVID-19, one of my main sources of entertainm­ent has been walking at Lodi Lake. Even during the worst period when so many other parks were closed it remained open.

So I wanted to say thanks to all involved in keeping it open. Thanks to the people who sit behind desks at Lodi City Hall, and those who run the parks department. Thanks to the men and women who do the actual work at the lake.

Thanks to the women who do such a great job keeping the flowers and beds at the entrance looking so nice.

Thanks to all the volunteers who are out there with their own trash grabbers and bags picking up what some people throw on the ground. Thanks to the dog owners who see the six signs on the entrance to the nature trail and choose not to take their dogs back there, and instead realize there is so much other room to walk there dogs available.

In short, what a great deal it is to have the Lake in the city of Lodi for all of us to enjoy.


Letters invited

The Lodi News-Sentinel welcomes opinions from its readers. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and phone number for internal verificati­on purposes. All letters are subject to editing. Letters from local readers dealing with local issues are given priority.

Letters from outside the local area are published at the editor’s discretion.

Letters longer than 350 words will be cut to fit or returned to their writers. There is a holding period of 30 days between publicatio­n of letters by the same person unless no other letters are queued. Send letters to P.O. Box 1360, Lodi, CA 952411360; or email to letters@lodinews.com.

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