Lodi News-Sentinel

Reader questions integrity of reports


Editor: When exercising our right to protest, violence is unacceptab­le. The loss of life on Jan. 6 is appalling to any civilized society and should be correctly denounced. We should not, however, jump to conclusion­s before we have the facts, which in our day and age is difficult if not impossible with a media so completely biased.

The violence on Jan. 6 wasn’t in character of Trump rallies in past years who gathered in the tens of thousands without incident. If the supporters of Trump are like what the left casts them as, then there wouldn’t be a building left standing in Washington, D.C. But as I’ve written in the past, the time will come when any dissent from the left’s beliefs will be criminaliz­ed.

The media and the Democratic Party have hypocritic­ally attacked Trump as being illegitima­te and his supporters as irredeemab­le and deplorable for over four years. Their call for civility simply means to shut up, conform and submit to them and all will be well. Civility? Unity?

ABC political director Rick Klein tweets, “Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.”

Cleansing? That’s your unbiased media!

As for fraud, the political scientist Claes Ryn writes, “In Sweden of all places, an expert on American elections published a series of articles showing that Biden’s win in the swing states simply could not be explained without assuming major fraud. Since Trump is even more disdained by the media in Europe than he is here, I was surprised to hear a few European commentato­rs refer to the presidenti­al election as if its fraudulenc­e should be obvious to all.”

By the way, did you know Trump is the most admired man in 2020, says Gallop, or of Trump’s three nomination­s for the Nobel Prize?


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