Lodi News-Sentinel

On the lookout for leprechaun­s at Lodi Lake

Lodi Parks and Rec gives clues about hidden treasures ripe for discovery

- By Bea Ahbeck

A group of children sprang across the park at Lodi Lake on Saturday, two of the girls wearing green, glittery bows in their hair. They ran behind a building, carrying pieces of paper with riddles on them.

“I found it! I found it!” one of the girls excitedly exclaimed, jumping up and down as she pointed at the window. A red-headed figure dressed in green smiled and waved back from the window.

The mischievou­s creature they discovered is one of 12 leprechaun­s hidden around the Lodi Lake area in time for St. Patrick’s Day. To find the sneaky leprechaun­s, children and adults alike must solve riddles, which give clues to their whereabout­s.

The Great Leprechaun Hunt is a COVID-safe activity that offers families the enjoyment of solving the mystery of the hidden leprechaun­s while also discoverin­g Lodi Lake at the same time. Once they find a mischievou­s little fella, they mark the location with an X on the map, and on Saturday March 6 and 13, bring their completed map to the Lodi Lake Discovery Center to receive a “pot of gold” at the end of their journey.

Dan White, program coordinato­r with the city’s parks and recreation department, said around 100 leprechaun hunters visited the discovery center Saturday to take a selfie and get their pot of gold.

“It’s very good!” 8-yearold Aria Juarez said about the hunt. “We get to find leprechaun­s and a pot of gold!” she said, riddles in hand ad ready to solve another clue.

 ?? BEA AHBECK/NEWS-SENTINEL ?? Aria Juarez, 8, discovers another leprechaun while hunting with Allie Juarez, 5, and Ever Ordaz, 8, during the Great Leprechaun Hunt at Lodi Lake on Saturday.
BEA AHBECK/NEWS-SENTINEL Aria Juarez, 8, discovers another leprechaun while hunting with Allie Juarez, 5, and Ever Ordaz, 8, during the Great Leprechaun Hunt at Lodi Lake on Saturday.

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