Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Our disastrous president

Donald Trump’s presidency was defined by the norms he shattered and institutio­ns he threatened.


Having failed in his effort to thwart the voters’ will and hold on to power, Donald J. Trump will leave the White House under the cloud of a second impeachmen­t and facing the humiliatio­n of a trial in the Senate for inciting an insurrecti­on. But Trump’s term didn’t just end badly; it was a disaster from the start.

The question of whether Trump has been the worst president in American history can be debated, but he clearly was one of the worst. He deserves that infamous descriptio­n not primarily because of poor policy decisions — though there were plenty of those — but because of his defects of character and temperamen­t.

Yes, there have been presidents with personal failings who neverthele­ss exercised strong leadership and respected democratic institutio­ns. But from the time Trump took office he displayed a constellat­ion of flaws — narcissism, mendacity, an exaggerate­d view of his own ability and a chilling lack of empathy — that infected his presidency and divided the nation.

Trump began his administra­tion with a lie about the size of the crowd at his inaugurati­on, and the fabricatio­ns kept coming. His presidency ends with Trump clinging to the fiction that the election that ousted him was rigged, the same fantasy that impelled his crazed followers to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6 in a siege that led to five deaths.

In 2017 this newspaper published a series of editorials under the title “Our Dishonest President,” in which we drew a connection between Trump’s contempt for the truth and other alarming features of his presidency, including his attacks on the news media (“fake news”) and his underminin­g of vital institutio­ns, such as the federal judiciary and the electoral process.

In the last editorial in that series, we said that Trump was “reckless and unmanageab­le, a danger to the Constituti­on, a threat to our democratic institutio­ns.” That was an accurate indictment of Trump in 2017, and it sadly proved prophetic about the way he has behaved since.

Take the outrageous abuse of power that led to Trump’s first impeachmen­t: his attempt to pressure the president of Ukraine, a nation desperatel­y dependent on U.S. security aid, to interfere in the U.S. election by investigat­ing Joe Biden. That episode exposed Trump’s inability to distinguis­h his own interests from those of the nation, a blind spot that also has figured in his refusal to admit that he lost the 2020 election and in his contempt for Congress, the intelligen­ce community and career diplomats.

Another character defect — lack of empathy — was evident in Trump’s casual bigotry toward immigrants and people of color. That attitude was reflected in a series of disastrous policies. They range from a ban on travel to the United States primarily directed at predominan­tly Muslim countries to the separation of children from their parents at the Mexican border to the attempt to exclude immigrants lacking documentat­ion from the census count used to apportion House seats.

Trump portrayed himself as a champion of Black Americans, bizarrely boasting that he had done more for them than any president with the possible exception of Abraham

Lincoln. Some of his policies — such as his support for modest criminal justice initiative­s, tax incentives for investment in economical­ly distressed areas and funding for historical­ly black colleges and universiti­es — may have benefited some Black Americans. But they are utterly overshadow­ed by other words and acts, including his claim that Black Lives Matter was a symbol of hate and his racially freighted claim that a Biden victory would harm “suburban housewives” by destroying their neighborho­ods with fair-housing policies.

You could argue that Trump is merely continuing the politics of racial dogwhistli­ng that have animated some Republican candidates since at least Richard M. Nixon. It was that, but it also reflected how cruel and insensitiv­e Trump’s words and deeds could be.

The most damaging outcome of Trump’s narcissism was his sabotaging of efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump can legitimate­ly take credit for his administra­tion’s commitment to developing vaccines at “warp speed.” But he undermined the larger effort to contain the virus by minimizing its dangers, questionin­g the value of testing, promoting questionab­le treatments and mocking the wearing of masks. Long before he exhorted his followers to “fight like hell” at the U.S. Capitol, he urged opponents of COVID-19 safety measures to “liberate” their states and, in a foreshadow­ing of his friendly comments about the mob at the U.S. Capitol, expressed sympathy for armed demonstrat­ors who occupied the Michigan Statehouse.

Even those who believe that Trump promised a positive new direction for the Republican Party — opposition to “endless wars” and free trade and support for government investment at home, budget deficits be damned — must recognize that he undermined his own agenda with his erratic behavior, inattentio­n to detail and ego-driven insistence on settling personal scores.

The president’s defenders can argue that none of these failings prevented the Trump administra­tion from achieving successes in domestic and foreign policy. Indeed, there were accomplish­ments.

Although Trump was wrong to boast that he presided over “the greatest economy in the history of America,” unemployme­nt did decline significan­tly during his administra­tion before soaring in the COVID-19 pandemic. With the cooperatio­n of the Republican-controlled Senate, he placed three conservati­ve justices on the Supreme Court and appointed more than 200 judges to lower federal courts.

Abroad, the administra­tion successful­ly encouraged Israel and several Arab nations to normalize relations and rightly engaged the Taliban in negotiatio­ns designed to bring U.S. forces home from Afghanista­n. But the president’s overconfid­ence in his own abilities led him to think that flattering Kim Jong Un was the way to make progress on controllin­g North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. And his repudiatio­n of the Iran nuclear agreement, seemingly motivated more by a desire to overturn an Obama administra­tion achievemen­t than by a desire to prevent Iran more effectivel­y from developing nuclear weapons, was a strategic failure that alienated U.S. allies.

Trump’s legacy will be defined primarily not by his occasional achievemen­ts — or even by his policy errors — but by the way this deeply flawed man debased his office, stoked divisions and brought a democracy to the brink of self-destructio­n, all for the greater glory of Donald J. Trump.

The army of insurrecti­onists that stormed the Capitol was not motivated only by President Trump’s lies about the election being stolen.

For years now, Trump and his Republican cohorts have engaged in a cynical campaign of messaging designed to demonize their opposition. We no longer hear reasoned debate about the pros and cons of important policy issues and questions. Name-calling is now the order of the day.

In the U.S. Senate election in Georgia, Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler was so programmed that she seemed incapable of uttering a single sentence without the words “radical left socialists.” In the presidenti­al campaign, Trump warned that we wouldn’t even have a country if Biden and the Democrats won.

Trump and the Republican­s convinced millions of people that Biden and all other Democrats were evil and threatened their way of life.

Paul Eckles Rancho Mission Viejo

I read a tone of surprise in the discovery that the people who stormed the Capitol reflect a broad swath of Trump supporters and not just the extremists.

Democrats are finally wrapping their minds around the gobsmackin­g reality that facts, science, education and truth do not and will not persuade. Enacting legislatio­n that swiftly, positively and meaningful­ly affects people’s lives is the only form of persuasion left to try.

In 2024, when Biden asks, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Americans will need to know that indeed they are.

Julie Atherton Tustin

I didn’t think he could do permanent damage. I was wrong. Of course, I don’t even have to mention his name, because you know who I’m talking about.

As a (former) lifelong Republican, I am ashamed of the party and its continuing enabling and support for this immoral human being.

I didn’t vote for him in 2016 or 2020, because while I agreed with many of his policies, I simply knew he was unfit to serve as president of the United States. I just had no idea how much harm he could do.

I am so saddened by what he has done to our country.

Jason Naiman Tarzana

We used to be the leaders of the free world. Under Trump we became the spoiled brats of the free world.

If now we do not formally convict and remove Trump, we will be known as the quitters of the free world, the children who gave in to the playground bully.

Edward L. Keenan Los Angeles

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