Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Jake Tapper geeks out



JAKE TAPPER hasa public-service announceme­nt: Don’t order pork tartare. “My wife and I went to a foodie restaurant recently and made the mistake of ordering the tasting menu,” he says, sitting outside on a balmy spring evening under the awning at Le Diplomate, one of Washington, D.C.’s favorite watering holes. “We got this plate of raw pork. I didn’t even know what to do. I kind of moved it around on the plate.”

Tapper is talking about restaurant­s because, like everyone, he’s gradually venturing out to eat after a year of pandemic isolation. The CNN anchor has also just published his second mystery novel, “The Devil May Dance.” (The first, “The Hellfire Club,” came out in 2018.) The stylish thriller takes his protagonis­t, Rep. Charlie Marder (R-N.Y.), and his wife, zoologist Margaret Marder, from Capitol Hill to the Hollywood Hills, biding their time poolside with the Rat Pack while conducting serious business involving Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy.

The nexus of fame and politics is one Tapper knows well. Before getting to his book, he recalls another memorable tasting menu, which he and his wife, Jenn, ordered with Seth Meyers and his wife, Alexi Ashe, the night before Meyers and President Obama roasted Donald Trump at the 2011 White House Correspond­ents’ Dinner — arguably provoking Trump to run for president out of spite. Anyway, one of the courses was goat, and Alexi, who keeps a pet goat on Martha’s Vineyard, “was really mad.”

Martinis arrive at our table, with extra olives, and conversati­on turns to Tapper’s research for his thrillers, which feature real figures like Sen. Joseph McCarthy. They also include the kind of granular detail — the world-historical equivalent of the pet goat — that distinguis­hes the author as a crack researcher and political gossip.

“When I learn something like McCarthy used to eat a whole stick of butter after an evening’s drinking, I just have to put it in there,” Tapper says. “Fellow geeks understand; they want to know what’s real and what’s not.” Both novels end with bibliograp­hies annotated with further observatio­ns, including the idea that a person can be charming and charismati­c, “like McCarthy was,” but also do terrible things. “If I could go back and rewrite ‘The Hellfire Club,’ I would make McCarthy a bigger character.”

After ordering the trout — “It’s so good here” — Tapper explains that he followed that impulse in “The Devil May Dance” with regard to Frank Sinatra. “He probably had a mood disorder, and he was definitely a pig with women. He was also a hopeless romantic, and he had his heart torn out by Ava Gardner. He was also a revolution­ary when it came to civil rights.”

Like Ol’ Blue Eyes and other Rat Pack members, all with hefty cameos in “The Devil May Dance,” Charlie Marder is “a pretty complicate­d guy,” says Tapper, “and getting more complicate­d. He’s becoming an alcoholic.” So I have to ask: Do the Marders resemble the Tappers?

The author laughs. “There’s elements of us in them, of course, and I’m as enamored with Jenn as Charlie is with Margaret. But the more important thing we have in common is that when I decided to write a thriller series I wanted it to be different than a lot of thrillers I read, and I read a lot of thrillers.”

He takes a sip of his martini. “I wanted to have more than one main character, and maybe a female character, who is the nobler one . ... I’ve never faced anything as complicate­d as the Marders do, but I do believe in rememberin­g that there’s something bigger and deeper and more important in your life when you are faced with complicate­d things, like hanging out with the Rat Pack without losing your shirt or your mind.”

For all the real-life resonance, the devil of the book is in the research. The Rat Pack connoisseu­r confesses to being a bit of a pack rat. “I found one book on AbeBooks about a woman who hung out with Sinatra and the others. It’s not particular­ly unlike what you see in the coverage of Matt Gaetz, a hazy world in which it’s even hazier discoverin­g who is paying for what.” Along with books, he scavenges for other memorabili­a, like the “Swayze” news-trivia game mentioned in “The Hellfire Club.” “My wife would like me to give it to you,” Tapper says. “To anyone, really.”

For “The Devil May Dance,” which takes the Marders to 1961 Los Angeles, Tapper drew on his experience in the city, where he attended a semester of USC film school before reporting from ABC News’ L.A. bureau. “They sent me out, covering things like Arianna Huffington’s support of conservati­ve causes. Back when she was a Republican!” In those months, his first editorial cartoons were published in The Times. (He’d later draw “Capitol Hell” for Roll Call for nine years.) Tapper moved to D.C. in 1992 but visits L.A. several times a year; his brother lives in San Francisco.

He also acquainted himself with historical Los Angeles via Google Earth, which sent him down a rabbit hole. At one point, while researchin­g Sinatra’s Rancho Mirage compound, he discovered so much about President Eisenhower’s nearby digs that he wrote “a completely pointless chapter; I had to scrap the whole thing.”

Talk of Eisenhower seems to flip a switch; Tapper the journalist lights

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