Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Don’t shame child-free women


Re “Being child-free is my best life,” Opinion, June 18

Thank you for publishing Rachel Cargle’s piece about being child-free.

As a 64-year-old woman who has not had children, I am often looked upon as an anomaly. When getting to know someone new, the second question they ask, after “What do you do for a living?” is “Do you have any kids?” When I answer no, they are usually unsure how to respond.

When someone I know gushes about the joys of motherhood and makes statements along the lines of “I never knew what love was until I had a baby” or “motherhood is the greatest joy you can experience,” I feel diminished because I didn’t procreate.

On the other hand, I am working hard at living my best life. I enjoy concerts, travel, nights out and visiting with friends. Please keep in mind that childless people, especially women, should not be shamed or embarrasse­d by not having kids. We are fully realized humans, even though we have taken a different path. Jennifer G. Bispo

Thousand Oaks

I agree with the author’s last third of her op-ed article as to why I chose not to have children, when she mentions overpopula­tion, caring for disabled parents and breaking cycles of illness or abuse.

I was a neonatal intensive care nurse for 38 years and had the privilege of taking care of very premature sick infants. I was the eldest of three sisters who watched over her siblings when my parents were too busy working jobs to support us. I was able to care for my dying parents and mother-in-law with as much love and support as I could give back to them.

I never was the little girl who dreamed of being a mother with lots of babies to play with, because I never had that maternal instinct. I never saw that as a character flaw, nor did I judge myself to be selfish for not wanting to procreate. I knew in my heart I would make a complete mess of motherhood.

My gift was being involved with the upbringing of my two nieces, which my sister and brother-in-law generously allowed. Like Cargle, I am the “best auntie in the world,” and while no one leaves this Earth without some regrets, not having children isn’t one of them. Cynthia Kokawa

Lerner Los Angeles

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