Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Liz Cheney’s chance to lead


Re “Cheney loss may be fatal to GOP we knew,” column, Aug. 18

What makes Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) such a potentiall­y powerful leader right now despite her loss in the Wyoming Republican primary is that she is accomplish­ing what no other Democrat or Republican could do. She is forcing people to take sides.

Slowly but surely by her role as admonisher of former President Trump’s “Big Lie,” Cheney is forcing people to take sides between convention­al Republican­s and the anti-democratic MAGA faction.

In her role as vice chairperso­n of the House Jan. 6 committee, she has gotten many GOP witnesses to step forward, give their testimony and repudiate Trump’s election claims.

What Cheney has to offer this country is much more important than her role as Wyoming’s representa­tive in the House. It may not happen overnight, but Cheney may be the one who saves our democracy.

Lynn Lorenz Newport Beach

For some perspectiv­e on Cheney’s loss in the Wyoming primary, it might be useful to look at the actual numbers.

While Cheney did lose by a significan­t percentage, she lost by fewer than 65,000 votes. A relatively small number of California Democrats

could change Wyoming from red to blue by simply moving to that state. Over the next few years, 100,000 or so California­ns could change the balance of the Senate.

So, California­ns, join the Democrats already living in Wyoming and make a difference.

Deborah Wright Long Beach

It’s not only sad but downright frightenin­g. Cheney’s loss underscore­s the new theme for too many Republican­s: Believe lies and spread them.

By way of evidence: Harriet Hageman, who beat Cheney, lied on Fox News and said Cheney had never called her to concede. A recording of a call from Cheney to Hageman that was subsequent­ly released showed the lie.

Can this once-proud party ever recover? Perhaps if Democrats and independen­ts vote out Republican­s in the midterm election, there might be some hope. Eileen McDargh Elvins

Dana Point

Columnist Mark Z. Barabak’s characteri­zation of Cheney as “brave and principled” is interestin­g.

Previously, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) was castigated by some of your writers for his stand on that budget-busting climate spending bill. Why wasn’t he brave and principled for standing up to the likes of President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco)?

Just asking, because it would be nice for your readers to think The Times was fair and balanced.

Marcus Kourtjian


Re “Is Cheney the GOP’s once and future leader?” Opinion, Aug. 16

Thanks to Virginia Heffernan for highlighti­ng the anti-MAGA Republican­s who might rebuild a GOP that I could support. Now I know whom to watch. Paula Pitzer Claremont

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