Los Angeles Times (Sunday)



Butterflie­s get all the attention because of their beauty, but moths actually do 95% of the pollinatin­g among Lepidopter­a, and they are as important to agricultur­e as they are to pollinatin­g native plants, said UC Riverside ecology grad student Christophe­r Cosma, who is studying how climate change is affecting moths and their plant interactio­ns. These fragile pollinator­s are threatened by “death from a thousand cuts,” he said, including habitat destructio­n, herbicides and pesticides, and when we lose butterflie­s and moths, it’s not just pollinatio­n at stake. We also lose the primary food source — caterpilla­rs — for many of our songbirds.

So in the interest of helping everyone survive, Cosma has created a website to help people choose the best native plants for the Lepidopter­a that live in their ZIP Codes. Just enter your street address at ctcosma.shinyapps.io /the_butterfly_net to get a list of at least 10 native plants that best support the butterflie­s and moths in your area.

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