Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Ecosystems, rural areas to bear the brunt of droughts

- By Dorany Pineda

Drought, human-caused climate change, invasive species and a “legacy” of environmen­tal issues are permanentl­y altering California’s landscape and placing some communitie­s and ecosystems at increasing risk, a panel of experts told water officials recently.

Invasive species and decades of disruption­s from massive land and water developmen­ts are partly responsibl­e for a continuous decline in native California species, experts told the California Water Commission on Nov. 16. Also, rural communitie­s, many of whom are lower income and rely on privately owned wells, are disproport­ionately contending with water contaminat­ion and scarcity amid recurring cycles of drought, experts said.

Although droughts in California date to prehistori­c times, the state’s modern-day water issues are the repercussi­ons of decades of decisions, said Jay Lund, professor of civil and environmen­tal engineerin­g at UC Davis.

“A lot of our environmen­tal problems today are really legacies,” he said. We are witnessing “the dynamics of past impacts and past changes playing themselves out and our inability — both in terms of regulatory policy and eco

nomically, and practicall­y in some cases with some invasive species — to manage that playing out of legacy impacts.”

Groundwate­r and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta are also among the sectors most vulnerable to dry periods, according to Lund, who emphasized that although cities and agricultur­e are relatively prepared and well-insulated from drought effects, irrigated agricultur­e needs to shrink between half a million and 2 million acres to be sustainabl­e.

About 5.5 million of California’s nearly 40 million residents live in rural counties, which make up more than half the state’s land mass. While urban areas like Los Angeles are under mandatory drought restrictio­ns to reduce strain on state reservoirs, many rural residents reliant on groundwate­r wells are waterless. Compoundin­g the issue is water affordabil­ity and a lack of safe drinking water, particular­ly in the Central Valley and Central Coast.

“We know that these challenges disproport­ionately impact low-income and Latino communitie­s,” said Justine Massey, policy manager and attorney for the Community Water Center. “People relying on private wells in particular are significan­tly impacted because often they don’t know if their water is safe to drink since there’s no other entity doing water testing, and they’re also not aware until they start experienci­ng issues with pumping that they may be nearing water levels that will render their well not working.”

Although state legislatio­n such as the Sustainabl­e Groundwate­r Management Act is meant to regulate water availabili­ty and will help mitigate water scarcity in an increasing­ly arid California, thousands of people and delicate ecosystems will fall through the cracks.

A 2020 study commission­ed by the Water Foundation found that under SGMA’s minimum water threshold plans, between 4,000 and 12,000 wells will partially or completely dry out by 2040 just in the San Joaquin Valley — affecting roughly 46,000 to 127,000 California­ns who may lose access to their current water supply.

“We really urge all decision-makers involved ... to look at the worst-case scenarios and really plan for that, because that’s what we’re experienci­ng so far — worst case after worst case after worst case,” Massey said. “And the folks who are

most impacted are the ones who least contribute­d to the problem.”

Climate change is increasing­ly being recognized as a “threat multiplier” that will accelerate and aggravate instabilit­y and insecurity around the world. In a drought-stricken California, as groundwate­r levels drop because of less rain and overpumpin­g, concentrat­ions of contaminan­ts in water increase, Massey said.

The health of California’s ecosystems is also on the line.

Mild, short-term effects of drought can result in reduced plant growth, but when dry periods are longer and harsher and groundwate­r depletion is more severe, widespread mortality of habitats and species can occur, said Melissa M. Rohde, principal of limited-liability company Rohde Environmen­tal Consulting.

“If groundwate­r demand is high, groundwate­r can quickly become out of reach from plant roots and rivers because these ecosystems rely on shallow groundwate­r,” she said.

Rhode referenced the Nature Conservanc­y’s Shallow Groundwate­r Estimation Tool, which found that 44% of ecosystems statewide have been affected by a significan­t, long-term decline in groundwate­r between 1985 and 2019.

“We also found that groundwate­r levels declines have intensifie­d during the most recent two decades,”

she said.

Under SGMA, 87% of ecosystems and 40% of wells dependent on groundwate­r exist outside the legislatio­n, Rhode said, and “one of the biggest disconcert­ing aspects of this is that ... these ecosystems are often times the last refugia for federal and state threatened and endangered species. They’re very important biological hot spots, and if we’re not doing what we can to protect them under SGMA, we are not safeguardi­ng our most vulnerable species.”

Drought conditions and extreme heat fueled by climate change have also pushed the Chinook salmon to the brink of extinction.

The fish — which once swam upstream the Sacramento

River to spawn in its chilly waters before the Shasta Dam’s completion in 1945 — has struggled to survive even with government

interventi­on. Last year, the water flowing from Shasta Dam was so warm that most of the eggs and young salmon died.

Wildfires, drought and bark beetle infestatio­ns are also destroying the forests of the southern Sierra Nevada, which could have dire consequenc­es for spotted owls, Pacific fishers and other protected species that depend on mature tree canopies for their habitats.

But refusing to accept these changes is pointless, Lund said. “Resistance is futile. We’re going to have a future that’s going to be different,” and learning to reconcile our ecosystems with human activity will be an ongoing challenge. “How do you manage your native species when everything else is changing is going to be a big conundrum for all of our agencies and all the people trying to do this,” he said.

So what can we do about it? For ecosystems, integratin­g them into water policies, identifyin­g ecological oases and managing groundwate­r to ensure species have access to it during droughts will be critical, Rhode said.

As for rural communitie­s, Lund suggested we look at how and why urban and agricultur­al spaces have responded more effectivel­y to drought: Their missions are focused; they have reliable funding sources; they have organized authority and expertise; and they have accountabi­lity via voters, regulators and ratepayers.

“The state has the responsibi­lity to make sure that drinking water needs are protected and not waved away as a cost of business or set aside as something that’s too difficult or inconvenie­nt to address,” Massey said.

“Climate change is testing and surpassing our limits and our normal flexibilit­y,” she added. “The margin of error becomes tighter and tighter. That margin of error is already extremely thin, and what’s on the line is California­ns’ access to a life-giving resource.”

 ?? Terry Chea Associated Press ?? AN ABANDONED almond orchard in Newman, Calif., in July 2021. Rural communitie­s are disproport­ionately contending with water contaminat­ion and scarcity, experts say.
Terry Chea Associated Press AN ABANDONED almond orchard in Newman, Calif., in July 2021. Rural communitie­s are disproport­ionately contending with water contaminat­ion and scarcity, experts say.
 ?? Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times ?? ABOUT 5.5 MILLION of California’s nearly 40 million residents live in rural counties, which make up nearly half the state’s land mass. Many of them who rely on groundwate­r wells are waterless. Above, a Visalia farm.
Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times ABOUT 5.5 MILLION of California’s nearly 40 million residents live in rural counties, which make up nearly half the state’s land mass. Many of them who rely on groundwate­r wells are waterless. Above, a Visalia farm.
 ?? Robyn Beck AFP/Getty Images ?? A LACK of safe drinking water has affected residents of the Central Valley, above, and Central Coast.
Robyn Beck AFP/Getty Images A LACK of safe drinking water has affected residents of the Central Valley, above, and Central Coast.

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