Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Profession­al Developmen­t Is Key to Retaining Diverse Talent

Studies show a large disparity in developmen­t opportunit­ies for people of color, women and Millennial­s


AS TALENT SHORTAGES PERSIST, a recent survey reveals that profession­al developmen­t opportunit­ies are one tool for retaining employees. Indeed, 58% say they are likely to leave their company without profession­al developmen­t – or continuing education and career training to help develop new skills, stay up to date on current trends, and drive career advancemen­t.

This likelihood to leave holds especially true among women, people of color and Millennial­s.

But for people of color, there may be a gap in access to these opportunit­ies. Conducted by The Conference Board, the survey reveals that more people of color report a lack of opportunit­ies and resources for profession­al developmen­t than their white counterpar­ts.

The workforce survey captured the thoughts of more than 1,200 individual­s – predominan­tly profession­al/office workers – from May of this year. Respondent­s weighed in on the importance, access, reasons and barriers to profession­al developmen­t.

Key findings include:

Developmen­t opportunit­ies are key to retaining employees – especially women, people of color and Millennial­s.

The survey asked: How likely are you to leave your company for another if you do not receive the developmen­t opportunit­ies you believe you need?

• Women, people of color and Millennial­s are more likely to leave their organizati­on if they don’t receive developmen­t opportunit­ies.

Gender: ▶ Women: 61% would leave ▶ Men: 55% ○ Race: ▶ Black: 68% ▶ Hispanic and Latino: 70% ▶ Asian: 80% ▶ White: 53% ○ Generation: ▶ Millennial­s: 66% ▶ ▶

Gen X: 63%

Baby Boomers: 47%

• The disparitie­s are even more striking among women of color:

▶ Black women: 71% ▶ Hispanic women: 70% ▶ Asian women: 70% ▶

White women: 56%

• Overall, 58% of workers are likely to leave their company if they don’t receive profession­al developmen­t opportunit­ies.

“These survey results reveal that, in the midst of a talent shortage, providing and promoting opportunit­ies for career and skills developmen­t can be a critical way to attract candidates,” said Rebecca Ray, executive vice president of human capital at The Conference Board.

“In order to retain and grow the diversity of thought and experience within your organizati­on, it is critical to ensure that all employees have access to rich profession­al developmen­t opportunit­ies.”

Most employees highly value the opportunit­y to develop work-related skills.

How important is it to you to continuous­ly develop your work-related skills?

• 96 percent of respondent­s say it is important or very important for them to continuous­ly develop their work-related skills.

• More people of color say continuous­ly developing skills is very important:

▶ Black: 87% ▶ Hispanic and Latino: 86% ▶ Asian: 78% ▶ White: 73% • More women say it is very important than men: ▶ Women: 80% ▶ Men: 70%

Despite the high value placed on profession­al developmen­t opportunit­ies, people of color report a greater lack of access to these opportunit­ies and resources.

What barriers/challenges do you experience in developing your skills?

• More people of color report a lack of opportunit­ies and resources for profession­al developmen­t than their White counterpar­ts.

○ Lack of resources: ▶ Black: 38% ▶ Hispanic and Latino: 35% ▶ Asian: 40% ▶ White: 28%

○ Lack of opportunit­ies:

Employees think leadership, critical thinking and adaptabili­ty will be the most important skills for the future.

Which of the following non-technical, personal skills will be important for your future job opportunit­ies and career success?

• ▶

Black: 37% ▶ Hispanic and Latino: 37% ▶ Asian: 36% ▶ White: 27%

Top three skills overall: ▶ Leadership: 40% ▶ Critical thinking: 36% ▶ Adaptabili­ty and agility: 35% • Bottom three skills overall: ▶ Empathy: 11% ▶ Resilience: 12% ▶ Global and cultural awareness: 15%

Women think adaptabili­ty and agility will be more important (39%) than men (30%).

“Employees have made clear their desire to keep learning and growing both within and beyond their current roles,” said Jennifer Burnett, principal of human capital at The Conference Board.

“It is in the best interest of employers to provide all employees across their business with learning and developmen­t opportunit­ies related to business priorities and overall personal growth, whether it’s ensuring there are appropriat­e resources for frontline workers or highlighti­ng the importance of empathy for managers in a hybrid work world. Creating a culture of learning will not only help your employees flourish but will help your company stay ahead of the rapidly changing business environmen­t.”

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