Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

Your tax dollars for their private schools?

More and more states are spending public money on private education. Iowa just succumbed.

- By Rekha Basu in des moines Rekha Basu recently ended a 30-year career as opinion columnist at the Des Moines Register. She is co-hosting the soon-to-launch podcast series “What the Hell Happened to Iowa?”

If you’re attuned to the culture wars, you know that parental rights and antiwokene­ss in education are powerful political messages now. The supposed presence of critical race theory in middle school, allowing trans kids to use bathrooms that match their gender identity, books that “groom” kids for any number of scary causes — these topics are frightenin­g parents and bedeviling school boards and classrooms across the country.

In a blue state like California, the debates may seem too localized or too distant to matter. But the appeal of parental education rights shouldn’t be underestim­ated. Even levelheade­d voters can be persuaded that public schools, and their pluralisti­c, secular values, aren’t about education but indoctrina­tion.

Iowa, my home, is a case in point. And it could be a bellwether for a national movement that has schools and educators in its sights.

A town hall gathering in Des Moines early this month was billed as a down-home event about “Giving Parents A Voice” and cheering Gov. Kim Reynolds’ signing of a “school choice” law on Jan. 24. The universal voucher plan, which Iowa was the third state to institutio­nalize (behind Arizona and West Virginia), will by year three allow any K-12 student in the state to switch from public school to private school with up to $7,600 a year in taxpayer funds to help pay the bill, regardless of family income. (Utah’s governor signed a similar law a week later; nearly a dozen other states are considerin­g more voucher legislatio­n.)

Curiously, not a single speaker at the town hall was invited to share their voice as an Iowa parent. The event sponsors were actually a Florida-based group, Moms for Liberty, and the Virginia-based Leadership Institute, with a starring role by D.C.-based self-described “school choice evangelist” Corey DeAngelis. He represente­d the libertaria­n Cato Institute and the American Federation for Children.

“For too long in K-through-12 education,” DeAngelis declared to applause, “only unions had special influence. But now the kids have a union of their own, and they’re called parents.”

His educationa­l goals? “Parental sovereignt­y and separation between child and the state.” It was a provocativ­e play on words given that the separation between church and state is among the principles at risk in Iowa now. Iowa has few nonparochi­al private schools, so state money will fund the religious educations of most who leave public schools, if they’re accepted.

Tax dollars now go to public schools that accept all comers and boast one of the best high school graduation rates in the country (a tick above 90%). Iowa high schoolers also post scores on the ACT that rank in the top three among states where nearly half (or more) students are tested. Ultimately under the school choice law, $345 million of education tax monies a year will subsidize schools that, for instance, require students to regularly only attend certain kinds of churches or, in the case of all 17 Catholic high schools in Des Moines, that forbid bathroom use or pronouns or dress codes that don’t align with a person’s gender at birth. Nor can the state set educationa­l standards for private schools.

And the Legislatur­e is also considerin­g a flood of bills aimed at telling educators how to do their jobs.

One bill would bar any talk of sexual orientatio­n or gender identity in public schools. Another would require public colleges to report to the state what they teach on social justice. School districts would be compelled to notify parents if their children had expressed identifica­tion with another gender.

Reynolds already signed a law, in 2021, barring critical race theory, and the discussion­s it might generate, from publicly funded Iowa schools and colleges, saying such teachings about slavery and racism might make white people feel guilty.

And yet this is not exactly who Iowans are. The state historical­ly isn’t a conservati­ve bastion, though its largely white and rural population might be considered change-averse. Still, power between the parties has been balanced. Republican Charles E. Grassley and Democrat Tom Harkin served in the U.S. Senate simultaneo­usly for 30 years and in the House for six. Iowa was the third state to recognize same-sex marriage, the first to support Barack Obama’s presidenti­al aspiration­s, and it gave us Nikole Hannah-Jones, Pulitzer Prize winning author of “The 1619 Project.” Polls show Iowans don’t support school vouchers.

So why the tilt now? Iowans are susceptibl­e to the pressures the whole nation faces: the misinforma­tion industrial complex, the effectiven­ess of Trumpian rhetoric and divisivene­ss over wedge issues such as LGBTQ rights, immigratio­n policy and guns, all of which Reynolds rode to victory, twice. Those pressures are exacerbate­d here by recent underfundi­ng of the state’s solid school system, the shrinking of mainstream newspapers with statewide circulatio­n, the popularity of right-wing talk radio and cable news, and a growing urbanrural divide.

On school vouchers, after earlier failures to pass milder bills, supporters changed the rules in the Legislatur­e last month to ensure passage of Reynolds’ latest (and most aggressive) version of the policy. Some believe she has her eye on the presidency or a vice presidenti­al position. Asked recently by a TV reporter if she and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had discussed her being on his ticket, Reynolds said they hadn’t. In fact, she said, she was competing with him for who could sooner fulfill certain objectives they share, like universal school vouchers, and she was winning.

There’s also speculatio­n that private equity firms and hedge funds are interested in states’ school privatizat­ion efforts as those private school expansions could yield lucrative investment­s. Hundreds of thousands of outof-state PAC dollars have been spent lobbying against Democratic Iowa candidates and in favor of using public money for private schools.

Whatever the forces at play in Iowa, with the signing of the school privatizat­ion bill three weeks into January’s legislativ­e term, a deeper chill than the already hard freeze of winter is gripping many natives and transplant­s here.

The hostile targeting of already disenfranc­hised groups, the state’s limits on what can be taught and read, the prospect of religious indoctrina­tion affecting lowa’s longexempl­ary educationa­l achievemen­ts and the interests of unknown outside groups are the gathering clouds of a worrisome storm.

Today Iowa, tomorrow who knows where?

Even levelheade­d voters can be persuaded that public schools, and their pluralisti­c, secular values, aren’t about education but indoctrina­tion.

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