Los Angeles Times

Not so different

- Michael Kinsley Michael Kinsley, a former editorial page editor of The Times, is a Bloomberg View columnist.

‘Obamacare’ and Massachuse­tts’ health plan have a lot in common, but not according to Mitt Romney.

OK, let’s go through this one more time. In 2006, Mitt Romney, as governor of Massachuse­tts, guided to passage, signed with a flourish and implemente­d with fanfare a healthcare reform law for his state.

It was intended to achieve universal health coverage, a liberal goal that was not even on the Democrats’ national agenda, let alone the Republican­s’, at the time. Of the available models, the one Romney chose had as its central provision an “individual mandate” requiring everyone to carry health insurance (and subsidizin­g those who couldn’t afford it). This was hardly a radical idea: It traced its origins to a 1989 proposal from the conservati­ve Heritage Foundation.

Cut to Washington, 2010. President Obama also chose the individual mandate as his model for healthcare reform. As Heritage had argued, it is hard to imagine any other workable alternativ­e to the dreaded “single payer” (that is, nationaliz­ed healthcare, as in Britain). Obama’s people consulted with Romney’s in formulatin­g their plan, which passed Congress on a close party-line vote and became an object of vilificati­on for Republican­s.

So now comes Romney, running for president again after losing in the Republican primaries in 2008, to join in the attack on “Obamacare.” He has promised not just to work for its repeal but to defund it and allow all 50 states to opt out.

But isn’t Obamacare almost exactly like the plan Romney implemente­d in Massachuse­tts? Oh, no, no, no: The two plans are very different. How so? Well, the Massachuse­tts plan is a state plan, whereas Obamacare is a federal plan. Furthermor­e, two out of three Massachuse­tts residents approve of their plan, according to polls. What’s more, Romney says, if they don’t like it, they can change it. That’s what’s so wonderful about federalism.

That is about as far as the argument has gotten, and Romney may well get away with stopping there, now that he’s almost sure to get his party’s nomination for president. It will be hard for Obama to make too much of an issue of the resemblanc­e of Romney’s plan to his own because (unlike Romney, apparently) he still approves of his own plan.

But Romney shouldn’t be allowed to get away with stopping there. This tale makes no sense whatsoever. Here are some remaining questions Romney needs to answer:

Why would he have imposed the individual mandate on the people of Massachuse­tts if it’s such a terrible, terrible idea? Is he himself one of the two out of three people in his state who still support this terrible idea, or has he changed his mind? What is it about the people of Massachuse­tts that makes a healthcare arrangemen­t suitable for them when it is so unsuitable for all other Americans?

Romney says that it “wouldn’t be honest” for him to say now that the Massachuse­tts plan was “a boneheaded idea.” Does this mean he still thinks it is a good plan? Individual mandate and all? How can that be, if Obamacare, by contrast, is so awful that, if elected, he will rush from his swearing-in straight to the Oval Office to kill it?

Romney has said, correctly, that Obamacare doesn’t adequately deal with the issue of controllin­g costs. He says that, as president, he will do that because it is a national problem. How does he decide what is a national problem, on which the president must act, and what is a state problem, for which there might be 50 appropriat­e solutions? What other aspects of healthcare are national and therefore exempt from his deep enthusiasm for federalism? For that matter, what are other issues — inside and outside healthcare — that he, as president, will ignore in order to let each state find its own solution?

Romney’s one concrete suggestion for healthcare reform is repealing the law that forbids insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines. This would create something that doesn’t now exist — a national insurance market — and dramatical­ly increase competitio­n, thus helping to control costs. It’s a good idea, but, of course, it is exactly the opposite of what he claims to believe is needed in general. Outside competitio­n would make it nearly impossible for states to regulate health insurance, leaving that power and obligation to the federal government. How does Romney resolve this apparent contradict­ion?

It’s obvious — isn’t it? — that Romney is just blowing smoke. The real story is clear: He wanted to achieve something important and good for the people of his state, namely universal healthcare. But now that Obamacare has become “liberal” anathema in the Republican primaries — reviled even by the Heritage Foundation from whence it came — he wants to distance himself from the whole idea.

It’s annoying, but it’s more than that: It’s disqualify­ing. To talk such nonsense and count on the hubbub of the campaign to clothe its naked contempt for the voters is an insult to all of us.

Romney radiates this insult. He shines with it. He will do or say anything to be president. But his ruthlessne­ss is not of the bitter, Richard Nixon sort. It’s the bland impatience of entitlemen­t. It says: “I’m supposed to be elected president. Why are people bothering me with these questions?” (Of course, Romney’s sense of being a giant among pygmies can only have been enhanced by the rivals he has been debating.)

When has Mitt Romney ever triumphed over adversity? Or, better still, when has adversity ever triumphed over him? I’m not asking for one of those gruesome “narratives,” beloved of political consultant­s, in which candidates mine their own tragedies — or, worse, their children’s tragedies — for cheap sympathy. If his life has been smooth sailing, that’s great. But how can we trust someone who has never faced adversity, never faced any big moral test, and can’t even pass the tiny moral test of telling the truth when the lie is obvious?

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