Los Angeles Times

Video adds to strains in Afghanista­n

Senior U.S. officials deplore Internet images of Marines urinating on corpses.

- David Cloud David Zucchino reporting from washington reporting from durham, n.c.

Pentagon officials said Thursday they believed a video showing four Marines urinating on the corpses of Afghans was authentic, and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta promised to investigat­e the incident, calling it “utterly deplorable.’’

As outrage over the explicit video spread, the NATO-LED coalition in Afghanista­n said the behavior was confined to “a small group of U.S. individual­s” who committed a blatant violation of military standards. Those found responsibl­e will be “held accountabl­e to the fullest extent,” Panetta said in a statement.

Panetta called Afghan President Hamid Karzai to assure him of a thorough investigat­ion, the Pentagon said. Karzai, who has bitterly criticized the actions of U.S. and coalition forces, called the behavior on the video “simply inhuman and condemnabl­e in the strongest possible terms.”

The video emerged on Internet sites at a delicate moment, just as the U.S. is trying to continue preliminar­y talks with Taliban representa­tives on finding ways to end the war. Like the notorious images of U.S. troops abusing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, the video undermines U.S. counterins­urgency efforts, which rely on winning the support of the civilian population.

Taliban spokesmen condemned the video as barbaric but gave no immediate indication that it would derail the talks. Taliban fighters have committed countless atrocities against Afghan civilians and are responsibl­e for more than 80% of civilian deaths, the United Nations said.

The Marines were from the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, based at Camp Lejeune, N.C., according to an

officer at the Pentagon. The unit served in Helmand province in Afghanista­n, a Taliban stronghold and poppy-growing center, between March and September last year.

The men on the video were described as scouts or snipers, members of an elite unit. The faces of three Marines are clearly shown, making them easily identifiab­le to unit members, family and friends. Pentagon officials said they had identified all four.

The video shows the Marines, wearing combat uniforms and carrying weapons, laughing as they urinate on three corpses, one of them bloodied. It was not clear whether the dead men were Taliban fighters or civilians.

“Have a great day, buddy,” one Marine says on the video. The voice of one Marine appears to refer to a “shower” for the corpses.

A voice asks, “You got it on the video?”

Another voice replies, “Yeah.”

On its website, the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines describes its mission as “locate, close with and destroy the enemy.” Seven Marines from the battalion were killed during its most recent tour in Afghanista­n.

It is not clear how the video, which appears to have been made on a cellphone, was posted to the Internet. One of the first sites it appeared on was Liveleak, based in Britain. The LiveLeak video was uploaded by a user under the name Crazyhawk, who hosts other amateur videos of U.S. troops in Afghanista­n that appear to have been shot by someone traveling with the units.

Panetta ordered the Marine Corps and the NATO coalition commander, Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, to launch investigat­ions. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Marine Corps had asked the Naval Criminal Investigat­ive Service for a “thorough investigat­ion” and promised full accountabi­lity.

President Obama is aware of the video and “shares in the sentiments expressed by Secretary Panetta,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.

In a statement, the NATO-LED coalition in Afghanista­n said the behavior “dishonors the sacrifices and core values of every service member representi­ng the 50 nations of the coalition.” Gen. James Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, said he had ordered a Marine officer and an attorney, both with extensive combat experience, to begin a preliminar­y internal investigat­ion.

“The behavior depicted in the video is wholly inconsiste­nt with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrat­ed throughout our history,” Amos said. He said the Marine Corps was dedicated to upholding the Geneva Convention­s.

The Marines involved could be prosecuted under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, said Eugene Fidell, who teaches military justice at Yale Law School. That article states that it is a violation to engage in “conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.”

Punishment for violating Article 134 is not spelled out, Fidell said, but would be determined by a military court-martial.

The Marines could also be charged under Article 92, which includes failure to obey an order and derelictio­n of duty — serious violations, said Elizabeth Hillman, a professor at Hastings College of the Law at the University of California and president of the National Institute of Military Justice. Conviction of violating Article 92 could bring two years in prison, she said.

The Marines could conceivabl­y be charged with violating the War Crimes Act of 1996, which prohibits “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliatin­g and degrading treatment,” and carries the death penalty. But such a prosecutio­n is unlikely, Fidell said, because Congress in 2006 narrowed the scope of the act out of concern that U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanista­n would be unjustly charged with war crimes.

Under the military justice code, commanders could also be prosecuted and punished for their troops’ actions under the principle of command responsibi­lity, Fidell said. If evidence showed that commanders tolerated the behavior on the video, they could face criminal charges, Hillman said. Lesser penalties could include administra­tive actions that would effectivel­y end an officer’s career.

The person or persons who shot the video could also face charges, Fidell said.

The video has emerged less than two years after American troops were charged with killing three unarmed Afghan civilians in 2010 and keeping body parts as trophies. One soldier, described in military court as the ringleader, was convicted of three counts of murder in November. Two others pleaded guilty.

 ?? Associated Press ?? AN IMAGE from a video posted on the Internet shows four men in Marine combat gear standing over corpses. Pentagon officials say all four have been identified.
Associated Press AN IMAGE from a video posted on the Internet shows four men in Marine combat gear standing over corpses. Pentagon officials say all four have been identified.

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