Los Angeles Times

And now for the carnivores’ side

Re “All red meat is risky, a study finds,” March 13


There wasn’t any mention about eating red meat from animals raised eating corn in cramped feedlots, ones that are given antibiotic­s and hormones.

It would be interestin­g to know whether eating organicall­y grown grassfed red meat without antibiotic­s and hormones is still considered to be unhealthfu­l.

Susan Chow


I read the report. In my estimation you summarized correctly. There should be a lot of noise for years to come. about 95% of the beef, pork, chicken and eggs I eat comes from pastured animals from a small farm operation in Ojai. Other than living on a farm, this is as good as you could hope for.

Charles Barth

Thousand Oaks

I eat red meat or bacon almost every day, but not as much as the study. I am 70, and I am the healthiest person I know.

Laura R. Norris

San Diego

So now meat will kill you — any amount of meat. Yeah, right!

My family had a cattle property in the Australian Outback, and we ate meat three times a day. Breakfast was steak and eggs, with potatoes fried in bacon fat. Lunch was cold cuts, and dinner was a baked roast. We ate chicken only on birthdays and at Christmas; it was so expensive. And we ate fish occasional­ly, being 100 miles from the ocean.

We did consume vast amounts of vegetables, which we grew.

My mother’s mother lived until she was 90 years old, and there is no record of her ever seeing a doctor, except for delivering babies. On my father’s side, his sister also lived until she was 90, despite smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and starting each day with a tumbler of port.

Colin Dangaard


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