Los Angeles Times

Ads called xenophobic

Egypt’s government draws criticism for TV spots warning about foreign spies.

- By Reem Abdellatif

CAIRO — Egypt’s military-led government is facing criticism from activists and human rights advocates over a series of new television ads that suggested that foreigners are spies out to destroy the country.

Activists say the ads were calculated to deter journalist­s and human rights groups from investigat­ing abuses by the state, specifical­ly the interim ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, or SCAF, which protesters have repeatedly accused of civil rights violations. About 12,000 Egyptians have been tried in military tribunals in the last year.

In one of the public service announceme­nts, sinister music plays in the background as an English-speaking young man walks into a cafe and strikes up a conversati­on with Egyptians, who proceed to complain about the nation’s problems.

In the ad, one of the Egyptians mentions a conspiracy against the army, and the foreigner taps out a text message to an unknown third party. The announcer warns viewers in an ominous voice not to offer informatio­n that could be used by spies to undermine the country’s stability.

Egypt’s Ministry of Informatio­n, housed in a fortressli­ke building guarded by soldiers and tanks, controls state radio and television, which are popular among poor and working-class Egyptians.

“Nothing like this ever airs without the approval from the office of the minister,” said Shahira Amin, a prominent Egyptian journalist and former state television employee. “This ad can raise the level of xenophobia in Egypt.”

Americans were put on trial this year with other employees of nongovernm­ental organizati­ons after being accused of illegally acquiring foreign funds to spark unrest in the country. The organizati­ons included the Internatio­nal Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute, which have been operating in Egypt for years.

“They are trying to kill two birds with one stone,” Amin said of the interim government. “The security forces have previously arrested foreign journalist­s covering [protests in] Tahrir Square; now they are saying, ‘Let the people deal with them so we don’t have to.’ ”

Since the military assumed power last year after a popular uprising toppled President Hosni Mubarak, it has publicly blamed “foreign hands and skewed” news coverage of Egypt’s unrest in an effort to divert criticism from persistent discontent and economic turmoil.

The Egyptian blogger and activist known as Zeinobia compared the ads, which also appear on private television, to World War II propaganda.

“I fear that this ad is an introducti­on for a campaign against human rights activists and journalist­s from abroad,” wrote Zeinobia.

Amid the strong criticism, the Agence FrancePres­se news agency reported late Saturday that the ads would be pulled.

During Egypt’s transition to democracy, numerous attacks on journalist­s, as well as foreigners, have been reported across the country, which relies heavily on tourism. Abdellatif is a news assistant in The Times’ Cairo bureau.

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