Los Angeles Times

Biowatch stands at a crossroads

A House panel wants Homeland Security to open its books on the troubled bioterrori­sm detection program.

- By David Willman

WASHINGTON — Year after year, health officials meeting at invitation-only government conference­s leveled with one another about BioWatch, the na- tion’s system for detecting deadly pathogens that might be unleashed into the air by terrorists.

They shared stories of repeated false alarms — mistaken warnings of germ attacks from Los Angeles to New York City. Some questioned whether BioWatch worked at all.

They did not publicize their misgivings. Indeed, the sponsor of the conference­s, the U.S. Homeland Security Department, insists that BioWatch’s operations, in more than 30 cities, be kept mostly secret.

Now, congressio­nal investigat­ors want Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to open the books on the 9-year-old program and explain why $3.1 billion in additional spending is warranted.

The move by the House Energy and Commerce Committee — spurred by reports in the Los Angeles Times about BioWatch’s deficienci­es — puts the program at a crossroads.

On one side is mounting evidence that the technolo- gy does not work. On the other are companies eager to tap federal contracts, politician­s fearful of voting against any program created to fight terrorism, and a top Homeland Security official who says the program is functionin­g properly.

Government records show that BioWatch signaled attacks more than 100 times when none had occurred. Nor is the system sensitive enough to reliably detect low yet infectious concentrat­ions of patho-

gens such as anthrax, smallpox or plague, according to specialist­s familiar with test results and computer modeling. Another defect is BioWatch’s inability to distinguis­h between particular pathogens that are geneticall­y similar but benign.

Lab and field tests found similar problems in the latest technology intended for BioWatch, “Generation 3.” The congressio­nal investigat­ors are seeking internal documents illuminati­ng BioWatch’s performanc­e, plus the private comments of Napolitano’s top science and technology advisor, Dr. Tara O’Toole, who recommende­d killing Generation 3.

O’Toole’s skepticism is shared by Dr. Donald A. Henderson, a renowned epidemiolo­gist who led the global eradicatio­n of smallpox. Henderson, a federal anti-terrorism advisor when BioWatch was launched in 2003, says he has yet to see a “scientific justificat­ion” for it.

“It has never stood the test of rationalit­y,” Henderson said. “This whole con- cept is just prepostero­us.” Political ties

But as Napolitano weighs whether to deploy Generation 3 — at the cost of $3.1 billion over its first five years — the program will not be easy to scale back.

The company in line to install Generation 3, Northrop Grumman Corp., is a major donor to federal campaigns with a broad presence in Washington.

From 2004 to 2012, the company’s political action committee gave more than $6 million to congressio­nal candidates, campaign f inance records show. Northrop Grumman, a top defense contractor, ranked No. 10 this year among all PAC donors to congressio­nal campaigns.

Northrop Grumman also hired the former head of BioWatch, Dr. Jeffrey W. Runge, as an advisor to assist its pursuit of the Generation 3 contract.

On Sept. 27, Runge told invitees to the Harvard Faculty Club that a survey he designed for what he called “homeland security related profession­als” had found support for deploying the new technology, regardless of potential shortcomin­gs.

Rather than wait for more research to refine Generation 3, Runge told the gathering, “the respondent­s seem to be saying … ‘Deploy the detectors, even if they can’t pick up every intentiona­l pathogen or genetic variation, and deal with the problems later.’ ”

Runge, who provided his prepared remarks to The Times, said Northrop Grumman solicited his advice a few months after he left the government in 2008 and paid him an hourly rate. The arrangemen­t ended in summer 2009, he said.

Runge said the company paid him to explain how the Homeland Security Department “is thinking, how Congress is thinking, about the future of biodetecti­on.” Among those he briefed, Runge said, was Northrop Grumman’s project manager for Generation 3.

In 2010 and 2011, Northrop Grumman donated a total of $100,000 to the Heritage Foundation, a conservati­ve research group, which, be- ginning in July, circulated three commentari­es supporting federal funding for BioWatch and Generation 3. The donations were disclosed in the group’s annual reports.

Steven P. Bucci, a Heritage Foundation senior fellow, wrote on July 11, “BioWatch is far from an ‘unnecessar­y expenditur­e.’ Congress should thus continue to fund the program.”

The third Heritage essay, issued Dec. 12 and also written by Bucci, said that although BioWatch was “only marginally effective,” Napolitano and President Obama should stay the course. “Cutting funding to this project,” he wrote, “leaves us vulnerable in a way that will cripple our future security.” Bucci said his writings were his own.

Asked for comment, a spokesman for Northrop Grumman, Brandon R. Belote III, said the company “recognizes the importance of participat­ing in the democratic process.”

For politician­s determined to appear resolute against terrorism, fully funding BioWatch might carry less risk than scaling it back.

“If somebody cancels the program, and a week later there’s a release, they’ll never, ever recover from making that decision,” said George Mason University microbiolo­gist Stephen Prior, co-author of a 2004 National Defense University study of BioWatch. “If they don’t make that decision, they can’t be wrong.”

Meanwhile, the Homeland Security Department’s chief medical officer, Dr. Alexander Garza, has assured Congress that BioWatch is performing effectivel­y. In March, Garza told a House subcommitt­ee that the Generation 3 system was “right where it needs to be,” but he did not cite the deficienci­es found by the tests of prototype sensors.

On Sept. 13, Garza told another congressio­nal hearing that, in his view, none of the existing system’s mistaken detections of benign organisms as lethal pathogens were false alarms. Though each of the laboratory-confirmed results signaled potential terrorist attacks, Garza asserted that they were not false alarms because authoritie­s never ordered evacuation­s or other emergency measures.

The panel voiced concerns about BioWatch. No one, however, pressed Garza to explain his basis for defending BioWatch’s misidentif­ications of the harmless organisms. Nor did they question Garza about the system’s poor sensitivit­y. Eroded conf idence

When he announced the program in his 2003 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush said BioWatch would “protect our people and our homeland.” He called it “the nation’s first early-warning network of sensors to detect biological attack.”

BioWatch units placed in public places suck air through composite filters all day and night. Once every 24 hours, the filters are delivered to public health laboratori­es, where technician­s search for the DNA of the targeted pathogens. Under Generation 3, BioWatch would be converted to automated sensors, each a “lab in a box,” designed to both capture and test samples of air.

The first false alarms occurred soon after BioWatch’s deployment, demonstrat­ing that it could not distinguis­h between the most commonly signaled pathogen, tularemia, and “near-neighbor” organisms that pose no life-threatenin­g harm.

Previously unpubliciz­ed Homeland Security materials show that the Houston area alone racked up more than 30 false alarms as of mid-2008, nearly all for the germ that causes tularemia, also known as rabbit fever.

The many false alarms nationwide — including results that caused tense deliberati­ons among health officials at the 2008 Democratic National Convention and at championsh­ip sporting events — have eroded confidence in the system.

Local, state and federal officials faced with a BioWatch alarm have not once evacuated an area or dispensed emergency medicine. They have instead monitored hospitals in search of potential victims before deciding to disregard the alarms, a wait-and-see approach counter to the rationale for BioWatch.

The Homeland Security Department’s emphasis on keeping the details quiet is reinforced at the annual BioWatch conference­s, according to attendees and government documents. The 2008 conference included workshops such as “Loose Lips Sink Collectors! Managing Media Inquiries about BioWatch,” and “Psychology of Press Releases.”

Last month, leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said Homeland Security had withheld key documents that the panel had asked for in July. In a letter to Napolitano, the committee said the episode raised “serious questions about the department’s willingnes­s to cooperate.”

The department has pledged cooperatio­n, and Napolitano, a former governor of Arizona, has delegated the public defense of BioWatch to Garza, also a presidenti­al appointee. Garza has said that scientists are working “to improve BioWatch to keep the nation safe from any potential biological threats.”

In recent interviews, more than a dozen specialist­s who have worked with or examined BioWatch said it should be independen­tly assessed, and scaled back or dismantled.

Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann, a physician and public health researcher at Rand Corp. who studied BioWatch from 2007 to 2009 as a member of a National Academy of Sciences committee, said it “has generated nothing but false alarms.”

Kellermann and other specialist­s said the money spent on BioWatch could have paid for training and equipment to help medical profession­als more quickly diagnose a patient exposed to an attack. The many false alarms, they said, invite complacenc­y.

“After you hear a certain amount of car alarms in your neighborho­od, you stop worrying about them,” Kellermann said.

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