Los Angeles Times

‘Life of Pi’ shows worldwide appeal

Ang Lee’s tale of a boy and a tiger in a lifeboat, initially thought to be a costly risk, has taken global cinema by storm, besting its Oscar rivals in sales.


Hollywood is basking in one of those rare years when some of its biggest box-office successes are also vying for Oscars. And the biggest hit among the nine best picture nominees is the one many thought would fail to connect with audiences — let alone turn a profit.

Director Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi” has generated $570.9 million in worldwide ticket sales. That trumps its two highestgro­ssing Oscar competitor­s — “Les Misérables” at $359.7 million and “Django Unchained” with $342.6 million.

What’s notable about the surprise success of “Pi” is that industry insiders considered the risky 20th Century Foxbased movie a long shot at best, deriding it as a $120-million art film that lacked marketabil­ity on several fronts. The movie centers on an Indian boy, Piscine “Pi” Patel, who sur- vives a shipwreck and becomes trapped on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger.

“This is one of the most unexpected hits I have ever seen,” said box-office analyst Paul Dergarabed­ian of Hollywood.com. “It just took the world by storm — this was a global phenomenon.”

On the surface, the deck seemed stacked against “Pi.” The two-hour-long epic stars an unknown actor and deals with issues ranging from spirituali­ty and death to cannibalis­m. Some also considered its ambiguous ending to be a handicap.

But the film also had its strengths. Helmed by Oscar-winning director Lee, the 3-D film drew critical praise and garnered 11 Oscar nomination­s, just one fewer than “Lincoln.” It was based on a popular novel by Yann Martel that has sold more than 10 million copies around

the world. Also, in a season packed with adult movies such as “Django Unchained,” it was one of the only offerings for a family audience, while also being lauded by the critics.

By far the chief factor in the picture’s box-office success was its appeal to overseas audiences, underscori­ng the increasing importance of the internatio­nal market, which now accounts for about 70% of theatrical revenue. As of Friday, the movie has collected $461.6 million overseas, including $90.8 million in China.

The strong returns — more than 80% of its ticket sales have come from outside of America — have validated a rigorous promotiona­l effort that Lee embarked on abroad and Fox’s use of region-specific marketing tailored to the sensibilit­ies of moviegoers in different locales.

Unique tone, themes

While that sort of marketing strategy is by no means unique to “Pi,” the film may have stood more to gain from the effort than other pictures because of its unique tone and themes. Key to the campaign was the use of distinct trailers and print advertisem­ents in different markets.

A trailer focusing on Pi’s adventures on the lifeboat was used in Latin American countries to appeal to family audiences because films there are more dependent on those moviegoers, said Paul Hanneman, co-president of internatio­nal distributi­on for Fox. Another trailer emphasizin­g Pi’s personal story with the use of flashbacks was deployed in parts of Europe to draw sophistica­ted art house audiences.

The print advertisin­g campaign was even more varied. A film poster featur- ing a prominent image of the tiger was featured in several Asian countries, including China, where the animal is a symbolic creature.

In Japan, print ads framed the story in a more emotional context, showing Pi and the tiger on the lifeboat surrounded by a frothy sea. In India, advertisem­ents played up the film’s local cast.

“Because it had so many different elements to it, it wasn’t the easiest sell in the world, like a lot of big movies are,” said Fox executive Elizabeth Gabler, who shep- herded the project through its lengthy developmen­t and production process after optioning the book in 2002. “There was awareness of it, but it’s not like [Marvel’s superhero hit] ‘Avengers.’ That’s why we reached out in so many different ways.”

Lee the hero

The film played particular­ly well in China, with audiences embracing Lee, who is from Taiwan, as one of their own, said Fox Filmed Entertainm­ent Chairman Jim Gianopulos.

“Ang was welcomed as a hero,” Gianopulos said. “And it resonated culturally and emotionall­y.”

The movie’s box-office performanc­e in China, where like most foreign films it was limited to a onemonth run by the Chinese government, was second only to its $109.3-million domestic take.

Lee, who won an Oscar for 2005’s “Brokeback Mountain,” an unconventi­onal story about two cowboys who fall in love, said “Pi” resonated with audiences in China and elsewhere in Asia because people there are comfortabl­e with ambiguity and uncertaint­y in films. A twist in “Pi’s” final minutes could lead audiences to question much of the film’s story — a turn that Lee said has led moviegoers in Asian countries to see the picture multiple times and parse it endlessly.

Indeed, Robert Cain, a producer and film consultant who specialize­s in the Chinese market, said anecdotal evidence suggests the film received a boost from repeat viewings in China. “Chinese consumers like to look for the hidden meaning behind things,” he said.

Ultimately, Lee may have been the film’s biggest selling point overseas. Admitting “Pi” was a “hard sell” with moviegoers, the 58year-old director committed to a lengthy internatio­nal publicity tour in support of the film. He worked 15-hour days, lecturing at film schools, giving interviews to journalist­s, and presiding over screenings of the movie. A 10-day sweep through Asia that began in early November tested the director.

“That was the toughest time,” he said. “I had just delivered the film; I was exhausted and didn’t have time for physical and emotional rest. I didn’t know how the movie worked, so I didn’t know how to talk about it. I was feeling almost ill.”

More stronghold­s

“Pi” also did strong business in places such as Germany ($25.7 million), Mexico ($19.9 million), Taiwan ($17.5 million) and India ($16.6 million) — all countries that Lee visited. Hanneman said Lee’s efforts were instrument­al, adding, “It’s rare that we have anybody travel on this sort of level to all of these markets.”

And in recent weeks Lee has emerged as a dark-horse contender for the director Oscar, with some pundits suggesting the category has developed into a two-horse race between him and “Lincoln” director Steven Spielberg.

With the film’s haul of Oscar nomination­s cementing it as a critical success, “Pi” has become the rare hit that rivals in an industry not necessaril­y known for mutual admiration are willing to praise.

“I think Fox did a fantastic job on this movie internatio­nally, but this is also a very, very special movie,” said Sony Pictures Entertainm­ent Co-Chairman Amy Pascal. “Ang knows how to tell a story and tell it like nobody else does.”


Peter Sorel
20th Centur y Fox ?? of “Life of Pi” in Taiwan. The film centers on a boy, played by Suraj Sharma, who is trapped on a lifeboat with a tiger.
ON THE SET Peter Sorel 20th Centur y Fox of “Life of Pi” in Taiwan. The film centers on a boy, played by Suraj Sharma, who is trapped on a lifeboat with a tiger.
 ?? Rhythm & Hues ?? MAKING “Life of Pi,” based on Yann Martel’s novel, involved shots of Suraj Sharma on a lifeboat in a water tank against a blue screen. At left, how it looks in the film.
Rhythm & Hues MAKING “Life of Pi,” based on Yann Martel’s novel, involved shots of Suraj Sharma on a lifeboat in a water tank against a blue screen. At left, how it looks in the film.

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