Los Angeles Times

U.S. to accept airstrike limits

In Afghanista­n, the coalition commander downplays the effects of a possible decree.

- By Shashank Bengali shashank.bengali@latimes.com

KABUL, Afghanista­n — The commander of the U.S.led coalition in Afghanista­n said Sunday that his forces were prepared to comply with President Hamid Karzai’s demand that Afghan forces stop requesting internatio­nal airstrikes in residentia­l areas.

Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. downplayed the effects of Karzai’s directive, even though Afghanista­n’s f ledgling security forces rely entirely on U.S. and NATO warplanes for air power against Taliban-led insurgents.

“We can continue to support the Afghan National Security Forces and meet the president’s intent,” Dunford said.

A day earlier, in a speech at the National Military Academy of Afghanista­n, Karzai railed against a joint Afghan-NATO attack last week that local officials said killed 10 civilians, including women and children, in addition to four Taliban commanders in eastern Kunar province. The Afghan leader said he would issue a decree that “no Afghan military and security forces in any circumstan­ces can ask for the foreigners’ planes for carrying out operations in Afghanista­n’s homes and villages.”

The remarks represente­d the latest broadside by Karzai against the coalition that has trained, equipped and financed the force of 350,000 Afghan soldiers and police who are due to take responsibi­lity for the country’s security later this year.

Civilian casualties have long been a point of contention between Karzai and the coalition, reaching a crisis point last June when the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on launched an airstrike against insurgents who had taken shelter in a wedding party. Eighteen civilians were among the dead. In the wake of the incident, NATO implemente­d rules limiting airstrikes in populated areas. U.S. officials say that civilian casualties in coalition operations fell by 49% from 2011 to 2012 and that the number of children killed or wounded in air operations fell by nearly 40%.

Last week, Karzai summoned Dunford to explain the Kunar attack. The coalition has declined to discuss the incident, saying only that it was investigat­ing the reports of civilian deaths.

Military analysts said Karzai’s decree, if issued, could hamstring Afghan security units, few of which are capable of operating without coalition support. This spring, say U.S. officials, Afghan security forces will take the lead in security operations nationwide, setting the stage for a crucial test for the young force.

“It could provide ground for the insurgency to increase their areas of operations,” said Jawed Kohistani, an independen­t military analyst in Kabul, the capital. “We have the summer coming and insurgent activities may increase, which puts more pressure on Afghan forces.

“I hope that the Afghan security forces and their leadership convince the president that there is need for NATO air support.”

The response to Karzai’s comments from Afghan military officials wasn’t immediatel­y clear, but Dunford, who took over as coalition commander last week, was due to meet later Sunday with Sher Mohammad Karimi, the Afghan army chief of staff.

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