Los Angeles Times

Ready To Give Up?… Feel Like YOUR Back Pain Is A ‘Hopeless Case’?… They Did Too…


“It’s ridiculous how good I feel”

“I self diagnosed myself with sciatica, after meeting with the doctor I found out I had 2 herniated discs. Before I came in, I couldn’t sit in a car or at a desk for more than 20 minutes. I was really suffering. I had about eight weeks of treatment. It’s been a year since I did the treatment and I feel terrific. It’s ridiculous how good I feel. I met a girl who had surgery on the same two discs that I had a problem on, and she’s miserable. She should have done this! I’m doing yoga, swimming and I don’t even think about my back, that’s the best part. Honestly, it changed everything for me and I’m really happy.” ~ Jill S.

“After the first session it was day and night”

“I came after having a car accident and I had pain in my neck and back. I had seen a couple other chiropract­ors I have been very skeptical even though my brother is a chiropract­or. I don’t trust anybody. I had a complete examinatio­n and listened to his diagnosis and felt much more confident in his approach. I started feeling much, much better. After the first session it was day and night. The pain was gone after 3 or 4 sessions and my neck is back to normal. I feel comfortabl­e referring other people because I am very pleased with the services here.” ~ Dr. Bina, DDS

“ The doctor gave me the most thorough exam I’ve had from anyone”

“I want to say that the staff here is amazing, The doctor gave me the most thorough exam I’ve had from anyone. My pain is greatly decreased and almost gone. I was quite frightened when I first started the treatments because I was scared I would have to have back surgery because nothing else was working to alleviate the pain. I was having a hard time getting around and I was having a hard time walking. I am getting my life back and I can do things I was unable to 2 months ago.” ~ Brian F.

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