Los Angeles Times

Teach the children well


Re “How to train a teacher,” Opinion, July 3

Eli Broad’s analysis of the data on teacher training avoids a key variable. If public education continues to be used as a battlefiel­d for politics, teacher quality will continue to be an evanescent goal.

Over the years, teachers have realized they have little say in how they carry out “education” in classrooms. Rather, they await the latest panacea promulgate­d by their superiors. Teaching has become a reaction to the latest directives from above.

A better solution would be to revere and promote the teaching profession. Teacher training programs need to emphasize flexibilit­y and creativity in the classroom. Collegiali­ty and collaborat­ion within the ranks of profession­al learning communitie­s need to be promoted. Teachers need more classroom observatio­n and less lecturing about the latest educationa­l fads.

If you tell teachers they are doing it wrong and train them according to the latest panacea, they’ll go back to the classroom and implement the program. If you present them with a problem, tell them to use their profession­al skills to solve it and give them adequate resources, they’ll succeed.

Bob Bruesch

Rosemead The writer, a 1997 inductee into the National Teachers Hall of Fame, is a member of the Garvey School District Board of Education.

Broad highlights an important disjunctio­n in graduate education in the United States.

In schools of education, the underlying assumption is that if students are taught how to teach, then they can teach almost anything. In contrast, in discipline-specific graduate programs such as English and biology, the assumption is that if students are taught content knowledge, they can teach that subject. Unless they are in a school of education, most graduate students do not take even one course in how to teach.

Both extremes are equally wrong, and Broad’s recommenda­tion for potential teachers to take courses in both subject content and teaching is right on the mark.

Dan Caldwell

Malibu The writer is a distinguis­hed professor of political science at Pepperdine University.

When I first saw Broad’s Op-Ed article on teacher training, I initially thought, “Here we go again with another outsider perspectiv­e.” But I think Broad made some salient points, particular­ly in his views on training being more content-based as opposed to focusing only on teaching strategies.

I’ve always felt that what is taught is as important as how it’s taught. When I first began teaching in 1978, the Ryan Act addressed this balance, ensuring that undergradu­ates didn’t enter the profession with only an education major.

In my 35-year career, I found the most effective educators were those teaching a subject within their major or those who had demonstrat­ed more than a cursory knowledge of the material. I’m glad Broad realizes this and is working to encourage training programs to emphasize subject knowledge along with instructio­nal strategies. Lynn Robert


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