Los Angeles Times

Ready to be sister moms?


Dear Amy: I am a 40-yearold woman and have lived with my sister (six years younger) since we moved out of our parents’ house together 14 years ago.

We bought a house together years ago and have fulfilling lives.

Neither of us has had a boyfriend for years. Our focus is on work, family, friends and our dog. Our parents keep giving us a hard time because they want grandchild­ren.

My sister is now pressuring me to consider adopting a baby together. I don’t see how it would work well. She insists that our lives will just envelope around the child.

We both work full-time demanding jobs, and we are financiall­y comfortabl­e, but a child adds a lot of expense and time.

What if my sister ends up meeting the man of her dreams and moves out? Will she then be OK leaving the child behind?

On the other hand, it would be great if we could give our parents a grandchild. What do you think?

Considerin­g Adoption

Dear Considerin­g: Giving your parents a grandchild is not a good reason to have a baby.

I love the idea of adopting within the family, but you and your sister should explore this carefully, thoroughly, and with legal and counseling assistance.

Consider becoming foster parents. According to the National Foster Parent Associatio­n, more than 400,000 children are living without permanent families in outof-home placement. You and your sister (and your parents) might be the ideal family to offer your love and care to a child in need. To learn more, check nfpaonline.org.

Dear Amy: I’ve had a good friendship with someone for 10 years. We both enjoy music. Last month, he asked me to give him a ride to and from the hospital where he was having a procedure done.

I was unable to do this and told him so. Apparently he did not believe me and never answered my email when I inquired about the procedure.

Then at a musical event that we both normally attend he shunned me.

Should I try to reach out to him by email to see if this friendship can be salvaged?


Dear Shunned: Email doesn’t work for you. You should give him a call or speak to him directly the next time you see him. Ask him how he is doing, and if the atmosphere thaws between you, you can move on in friendship.

Dear Amy: “One-Legged Lady” asked about disclosing her amputation to dates. I too am a below-knee amputee (guy) who reentered the dating game.

On the second date invite the lucky guy to engage in some kind of sporty outdoor fun. Maybe a brisk walk, a bike ride, tennis, softball, archery, bird-watching, gardening, whatever. On the day of the event ditch the trousers for a skirt or shorts.

One-Legged should look him in the eye and say, “Stuff happens. No one leaves this planet with what they arrived with.” If he doesn’t swoon immediatel­y then she can move on. This worked for me — and my chosen one and I are in it to win it nearly three years later.

Len in Cupertino, Calif.

Dear Len: Awesome.

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