Los Angeles Times

Afghan interprete­rs in visa limbo

Facing threats at home, many have been waiting years for approval to immigrate to the U.S.

- By David Zucchino david.zucchino @latimes.com

KABUL, Afghanista­n — Before serving as an interprete­r for the U.S. military, Shafiq Nazari passed exhaustive background checks by U.S. military and intelligen­ce agencies.

The military trusted him enough to issue him an automatic rif le. He has fired it during several firefights with insurgents, fighting shoulder to shoulder with U.S. soldiers and Marines on about 200 combat missions in Afghanista­n.

Nazari, 38, a compact man with short-cropped hair and a trim black beard, has been issued a badge that gives him free run of a highsecuri­ty U.S. base in downtown Kabul, where he interprets for U.S. military advisors. He has 70 letters of recommenda­tion from American officers, including two generals, praising his loyalty and courage under fire.

But none of that has been enough to persuade the U.S. State Department to grant a visa to Nazari under a program for Afghan interprete­rs whose lives are in danger because of their service to the United States. Nazari says he has been waiting nearly five years for approval of his applicatio­n for a Special Immigrant Visa, or SIV.

With the looming withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanista­n, thousands of Afghans who have served as military interprete­rs are in limbo as the State Department works to clear a backlog of SIV applicatio­ns. Congress had authorized 8,750 visas for Afghan interprete­rs, but only 1,982 had been issued by Dec. 10.

For Nazari, who has worked for the U.S. military since 2006, years of waiting have left him confused and demoralize­d — and at risk of retaliatio­n by insurgents who he says know what he does.

“We’re living in the 21st century,” Nazari said, speaking f lawless English while sipping tea at a Kabul guesthouse. “If the State Department wants to find out if I’m a bad guy or a terrorist, just check their computer databases. It should take five minutes, not five years.”

Sardar Khan, 26, who has been an interprete­r for the U.S. military since 2007, said he has waited nearly two years for a decision on his SIV applicatio­n. He jokes that he and other applicants have “SIV syndrome” from constantly checking a State Department website for updates on their cases.

“We have already proved our honesty and loyalty to the United States,” Khan said. “All we ask now is for the United States to return the favor.”

Jarrett Blanc, deputy

‘We have already proved our honesty and loyalty to the United States. All we ask now is for the United States to return the favor.’

— Sardar Khan,

interprete­r for U.S. since 2007

special representa­tive for Afghanista­n and Pakistan, said the State Department improved its processing times last year and has issued more Afghan interprete­r visas during the latest fiscal year than in any previous year, a tenfold increase from 2012. In the last three months of the fiscal year that ended Oct. 1, he said, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul issued more interprete­r visas than in the previous four years.

The department has also begun an appeals process for interprete­rs turned down at the embassy level, sped up the visa process for approved applicants and is doing more to spread word about the SIV program.

“We are committed to helping those who — at great personal risk — have helped us,” Blanc said.

Officials are concerned that Afghans with ties to insurgents or terrorists will slip through the vetting process. The 2011 arrests of two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky on terrorism charges slowed the visa process, though neither had been an interprete­r.

The Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project calls the SIV process “prohibitiv­ely complicate­d, bureaucrat­ic and opaque.” The group, which also assists Afghans, says more than 5,000 Afghan applicants are backlogged. It says only 6,675 of the 25,000 visas authorized for Iraqi interprete­rs have been issued.

Congress last month extended the Iraq SIV program through Sept. 30, but failed to extend the Afghan program, which is set to expire Sept. 30.

Interprete­rs are the eyes and ears for U.S. troops, few of whom speak Afghan languages or comprehend Afghan culture. So-called terps do far more than just translate. They help U.S. commanders navigate the bewilderin­g tribal and family alliances that dominate Afghan culture, while also guiding them through fraught relationsh­ips with their allies in the Afghan army and police.

And in many cases, they wear U.S. uniforms, carry weapons and fight alongside American troops — all for about $450 to $500 a month.

“To be honest, without Shafiq we would have been lost,” said Army Maj. Michael A. Lee, who worked with Nazari in eastern Afghanista­n in 2008 and 2009. “His ability to explain the issues between the different tribes and ethnic groups helped me understand the problems we were having.”

The jobs come with enormous risks. Hundreds of Afghan interprete­rs have been killed or wounded by insurgents. Even though many interprete­rs wear masks, they are well-known in their hometowns or villages. The Taliban has repeatedly warned interprete­rs that they and their families will be killed unless they stop working for the Americans.

Nazari said he has been threatened several times. After he translated an interrogat­ion of an insurgent by a U.S. special operations officer, he said, the suspect told him, “You will be in my mind forever. When I’m released, I will find you and kill you.”

Nazari and Khan said they appeared with U.S. soldiers in a Christmas party video that someone posted on YouTube. They said the video wound up in a DVD sold in Afghan bazaars under the title “Afghans Working for Infidels.”

Khan says the Taliban warned his father, a police lieutenant colonel in Kabul, to tell his son to stop working for the Americans or be killed along with his family.

The American Embassy in Kabul has rejected 20% of SIV applicants, saying they had not documented a credible threat linked to their service to the United States. Among them is an interprete­r who gave his name only as Ahmed for fear of hurting his case; he said he was turned down in November, more than two years after he applied.

Ahmed said a “threat letter” he provided was deemed inadequate. He was encouraged to file a second letter, which was also rejected, he said. He has filed a third as part of an appeal.

“Each case is evaluated on its own merits,” a State Department official said.

Other interprete­rs say they face even greater threats after being laid off as American troops withdraw, depriving them of the safety of U.S. bases.

Shirullah Mirzamalik, 23, who worked five years as a military interprete­r, said he was given a stark choice when his SIV interview at the embassy in Kabul was scheduled for the same day he was ordered to report for work with a U.S. unit in eastern Afghanista­n. He chose to attend the interview, he said, and was fired.

Even though he no longer works directly for Americans, Mirzamalik said, he still fears retaliatio­n against him, his wife and infant son. “We’re not safe; everybody knows I worked for the Americans,” he said.

Navy Lt. Mike Hammond said Mirzamalik proved invaluable while Hammond was stationed in eastern Afghanista­n in 2010 and 2011.

“I often told Shirullah and our other interprete­rs that they’ve shown more patriotism and loyalty to the United States than the vast majority of our own citizens,” Hammond said. “Once U.S. forces pull out and the interprete­rs are left to fend for themselves apart from our bases, they and their families are going to be in serious danger.”

For Nazari and Khan, time is running out. They fear they will be left jobless and unprotecte­d when all U.S. combat troops are out of Afghanista­n by year’s end. A security agreement that would keep some U.S. forces here is threatened by a political stalemate.

Nazari said American officers have interceded on his behalf, but to no avail. He harbors no bitterness and remains hopeful of a new life in America for himself, his wife and two children.

“We love American troops and the American people,” he said. “It’s the visa system that sucks.”

 ?? Carolyn Cole
Los Angeles Times ?? AFGHANS Shafiq Nazari, from left, Shirullah Mirzamalik, and Sardar Khan are among those who have applied to immigrate to the United States because their work as interprete­rs for the U.S. military has left them vulnerable to militant retaliatio­n.
Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times AFGHANS Shafiq Nazari, from left, Shirullah Mirzamalik, and Sardar Khan are among those who have applied to immigrate to the United States because their work as interprete­rs for the U.S. military has left them vulnerable to militant retaliatio­n.

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