Los Angeles Times

Obama turns focus to federal job training

He orders a review of programs, noting he can’t do much more without Congress.

- By Christi Parsons

WAUKESHA, Wis. — President Obama sat down at his portable signing table at a gas engine plant here Thursday to order an across-the-board review of how to improve federal job training programs.

A day after he highlighte­d some significan­t changes he can make on his own, such as creating a new government-guaranteed retirement savings account, his jobs proposal was decidedly smaller bore.

Obama acknowledg­ed as much as he spoke to a crowd of General Electric employees, saying that an effective plan to create jobs would require investment­s in infrastruc­ture and changes in the tax code, which he can’t do without Congress.

“I want to work with them, but I can’t wait for them,” he said. “We’ve got too much work to do out there.”

The president’s order illustrate­s how limited his power is to affect the job market. Obama asked three agencies to “develop an action plan to make the workforce and training system more job-driven, integrated and effective.”

He also directed Vice President Joe Biden to hold an “immediate stakeholde­r consultati­on” on “best practices to make our system of skills training more job-driven.” And he told his Cabinet to focus on an existing grant program for community colleges.

“We’ve got a lot of programs, but not all of them are doing what they should be doing to get people filled for jobs that exist right now,” Obama said, before he sat down at the small wooden table his staff brought and signed a three-page memorandum to his secretarie­s of Labor, Commerce and Education.

Republican­s in Congress weren’t impressed.

In a letter, House Republican­s informed Obama on Thursday that they had already acted to fix the nation’s job training programs. “In each area, a Housepasse­d bill is already sitting in the Senate, so there is no reason for further delay,” wrote House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and three other party leaders.

Later in the day at McGavock High School in Nashville, Obama focused on public education as a key part of preparing the U.S. workforce for the future. He touted his promise to accelerate his initiative to connect every public school to the Internet, but said the country needed to spend more on its schools.

“We’ve got to make sure we are supporting our teachers, because they are the most critical ingredient in a school,” he said, which means more profession­al developmen­t and “giving them the pay that they need.”

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, the president defended his approach as the best he could do with the GOP-led House.

“In no way are my expectatio­ns diminished, or my ambitions diminished, but what is obviously true is we’ve got divided government right now,” he said. “And in that kind of environmen­t, what I don’t want is the American people to think that the only way for us to make big change is through legislatio­n.”

Aides think the president’s new strategy will help him regain some of the credibilit­y he lost with the public after the dismal rollout of his healthcare law. They note that it shows the president taking action — “doing his part,” as one put it — and avoids becoming mired in public sniping with Congress.

But a leader playing small ball can run the risk of looking weak, as President Truman did when he lamented about “trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have sense enough to do without my persuading them.”

Chris Edelson, an American University assistant professor who writes about presidenti­al powers, said Obama’s proposals seemed pale in comparison with his promise that he would take on a stubborn Congress.

“This was first described as a go-it-alone strategy, suggesting the president would be taking bold initiative­s to bypass Congress,” Edelson said. “Republican­s were worried about presidenti­al overreachi­ng. Now that we’ve heard more, however, President Obama’s unilateral actions look to be quite limited in scope.”

Still, he said, Obama may succeed in raising issues in a way that proves influentia­l.

“I have to think he’s concerned about the midterm elections,” he said, “and effectivel­y saying to voters, ‘Hey, I’m trying my best, but there are limits to what I can do. I need a Congress that will work with me.’ ” christi.parsons@latimes.com

 ?? Darren Hauck EPA ?? “I WANT to work with them, but I can’t wait for them,” Obama said of Republican lawmakers.
Darren Hauck EPA “I WANT to work with them, but I can’t wait for them,” Obama said of Republican lawmakers.

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