Los Angeles Times

UCI leader gets Ohio State job

Michael V. Drake will leave the campus in June to take the top job at Ohio State.

- By Carla Rivera carla.rivera@latimes.com

Chancellor Michael Drake, above, will leave in June.

Michael V. Drake, who as chancellor of UC Irvine enhanced the school’s reputation as a first-rate research institutio­n and boosted enrollment, was named Thurs- day as the new president of Ohio State University.

Drake’s appointmen­t was announced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees in Columbus. “He is exactly the right leader at the right moment in the university’s history as we address the challenges of affordabil­ity and access, while building on the already strong momentum we have generated at Ohio State in increasing the university’s academic excellence,” board Chairman Robert H. Schottenst­ein said.

Drake has served as head of the 28,000-student Irvine campus since 2005. He has a medical degree, a background in administra­tion and a reputation as a prolific fundraiser. He will move to the Ohio campus with 57,000 students, top-f light athletics, and a mission to improve its academic ranking and research focus.

He replaces former Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee, who retired in July after six years at the helm. It was his second stint as Ohio State president. Gee, known for his colorful bow ties, left under a cloud after making remarks considered disparagin­g to Catholics. He is now interim president of West Virginia University.

In an interview, Drake said that he would always be a fan of Irvine but that the Ohio State post was an opportunit­y to take on new challenges.

“It’s similar work, with a little different focus and scope in a different part of the country,” Drake said. “Ohio State is a wonderful example of a flagship university, a land grant university that is very connected with the community, that’s done wonderful things for the region and nationally and has wonderful potential to do even more.”

Drake, 63, will leave the Irvine campus in June. A search committee is expected to begin looking for a replacemen­t in February, UC system President Janet Napolitano said in a statement. Irvine Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Howard Gillman will serve as interim chancellor until the post is filled.

Napolitano called Drake a “dedicated and passionate” leader.

Speculatio­n within the UC system held that Drake was on the short list of candidates for the UC presidency that eventually went to Napolitano. Drake did not directly address whether that was a factor in his decision to leave Irvine.

Drake graduated from Stanford University and earned a medical degree from UC San Francisco, where he worked for more than two decades as a professor of ophthalmol­ogy. Before taking over UC Irvine, he was the UC system’s vice president for health affairs for five years.

At Irvine he presided over tremendous growth, with applicatio­ns for undergradu­ate admissions increasing more than 90%. The four-year graduation rate increased 19%, and Drake worked to increase admissions of low-income and minority students.

He also worked to repair the image of UCI’s medical school, after The Times reported in 2005 that more than 30 patients died awaiting liver transplant­s over a two-year period. Since then, the school has built a new hospital and the medical facility is considered among the nation’s finest.

The campus attracted controvers­y in 2010 when the Muslim Student Union was suspended after a protest disrupted a speech by the Israeli ambassador.

Drake oversaw the opening in 2009 of the first new public law school in California in more than 40 years. But he was criticized when he rescinded a contract with prominent legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsk­y to become the founding dean because he felt the law professor’s liberal stances were polarizing. Drake denied being pressured by outside influences and the post was offered again to Chemerinsk­y, who accepted.

Chemerinsk­y said any initial tension had long faded.

“I don’t think you can find a better campus president anywhere else in the country, though I’m heartbroke­n he’s leaving Irvine,” he said.

Officials at Ohio State said Drake’s contract and salary are expected to be finalized Friday.

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