Los Angeles Times

Help for massage businesses

Measure is aimed at ‘bad actors’ who have exploited loophole in current regulatory law.

- By Marc Lifsher marc.lifsher@latimes.com Twitter: @MarcLifshe­r

SACRAMENTO — State lawmakers say they have come up with a way to help California cities deal with a proliferat­ion of massage parlors with suspected links to prostituti­on and human traffickin­g.

New legislatio­n is aimed at fixing an inadverten­t loophole opened by a 2008 law. It created a state-sponsored council to oversee the regulation of legitimate massage therapy businesses, such as spas and clinics.

The loophole led to an explosion of massage parlors in many cities, experts say. For example, the city of Huntington Beach reports that the number grew to 75 from 16 between 2009 and 2013.

The existing statute stripped cities and counties of their ability to use zoning authority to control the location of those massage businesses, whose masseuses had been certified by the California Massage Therapy Council.

The new proposal, AB 1147, would allow local government­s to adopt ordinances relating to health and safety, hours of operation and training of employees. The bill is being amended in the state Senate.

“Bad actors, masquerad- ing as legitimate massage profession­als, have exploited loopholes in current law, which impairs the ability of local government and law enforcemen­t to regulate them,” said Assemblywo­man Susan A. Bonilla (D-Concord). “Their actions damage the integrity of true massage therapy profession­als.”

Bonilla is co-sponsoring the bill along with Assemblyme­n Chris Holden (DPasadena) and Jimmy Gomez (D-Echo Park).

The bill, which has drawn no organized opposition, “provides a balanced solution to the regulation of massage therapy businesses,” said Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard, the immediate past president of the League of California Cities.

If it becomes law, the bill should protect legitimate massage therapy businesses, said Ahmos Netanel, chief executive of the state massage council.

In all, “80% of California’s 4.2 million massage consumers are women from diverse background­s,” he said. “They deserve the right to have access to the remedial benefits of massage therapy in a respectabl­e and safe environmen­t.”

 ?? Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times ?? THIS MASSAGE PARLOR that went by the name Sunny Healthcare was closed down in Cathedral City. Many such businesses have been tied to illegal activities.
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times THIS MASSAGE PARLOR that went by the name Sunny Healthcare was closed down in Cathedral City. Many such businesses have been tied to illegal activities.

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