Los Angeles Times

Did actress ‘ profile’ officer?

Daniele Watts did what she accused police of doing: prejudging someone because of color — in this case, the blue of a uniform

- SANDY BANKS sandy.banks@latimes.com Twitter: @ SandyBanks­LAT

LAPD Sgt. Jim Parker was enjoying a beer when a newscast on the bar’s TV showed a youngwoman he’d last seen in handcuffs. Actress Daniele Watts was accusing Parker of racial profiling during a routine stop in Studio City.

The cop had been disrespect­ful and rude, hassling her because she is black, Watts said. Her white boyfriend was spreading the story on social media.

The sergeant didn’t remember the encounter in quite the sameway. He’d stopped the pair because they fit the descriptio­n of a couple accused in a 911call of lewd conduct. Theman cooperated, but thewoman refused to identify herself and stormed off, ranting about racism and constituti­onal rights.

Parker could see where thiswas headed as he watched the newscast: He was about to becomethe villain in a national racialprof­iling drama.

“I said, ‘ Oh man. This is ridiculous,’ ” he recalled. “I’ve got to stop this fast.” So the officer broke Police Department rules and provided an audio recording he’d made of the stop to TMZ.

The recording went viral, and public sentiment shifted: Parker was a strait- laced cop just doing his job. And Watts was a mouthy prima donna playing the race card.

Watts’ account played into a narrative that’s easy to believe. The LAPD has a reputation for racial profiling and a history of tense relations with minorities.

That’s why local black activists rushed so quickly to Watts’ defense— and why they backed off so publicly when they heard Parker’s evidence.

“I had a press conference outside of police headquarte­rs and accused the LAPD of racial profiling,” said a chagrined Najee Ali. “Then I listened to the audio tape, horrified.” Hecalled another news conference a fewdays later and urged Watts to apologize.

“Too many black folks have been actual victims of racial profiling and brutality,” Ali told me. “Ifwe defend people who crywolf… no one will take it seriously.”

Ali said Watts— best knownfor her role in the movie “Django Unchained” — embarrasse­d the black community with her sidewalk tantrum, profiling claim and refusal to show her ID to an officer whowas only there because Watts and her boyfriend had made a spectacle of themselves in what looked to witnesses like a public sexual tryst.

“We came to the aid of someone who said she had been victimized,” Ali said. “Then we realized the race card had been misplayed in this particular case.”

The race card. I wish we could retire that phrase and what it implies: that racial discrimina­tion isn’t real, just some phony trumpcard that whiners flourish when the gameis on the line.

The label stifles legitimate conversati­ons about racial bias.

We need to face an uncomforta­ble truth, validated by decades of research and statistics: The criminal justice systemin this country is tilted against blacks.

That’s why, on some level, I can sympathize with Watts, who’s been carrying a grudge since shewas16 and witnessed police harassing her father.

Watts’ history may have primed her to see race at play in every lawenforce­ment encounter. But that doesn’tmake Parker a racist or excuse Watts’ boorish behavior.

Parker had barely said a word that afternoon before shewent ballistic: “Do you know how many times the cops have been called… because I’m black and he’s white?” Watts shouted at the officer.

In fact, Watts was doing precisely what she has accused police of doing: prejudging someone because of their color— in this case, the color blue.

“It’s the uniform,” Parker told me. “It happens all the time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a black officer; he’ll be accused of racism, the same as me. It’s just the blue they see.… When people get in trouble or get caught, they look for anyway out. That’s when the race card comes out.”

Watts has suggested that Parker might not have stopped the couple if she had been white. Maybe she’s right. But she’s wrong to judge the officer by what she imagines he might think or do. When cops do thatwe call it profiling— and rightfully condemn it.

Watts doesn’t seemto see the irony. She’s still portraying herself as a hero who courageous­ly refused to provide police with her ID to protect the constituti­onal rights of regular folks, those without publicists.

LAPD Cmdr. Andy Smith said the department is investigat­ing the claims of bias that the couple tweeted and posted on Facebook. Watts has not filed a formal complaint.

It’s not clear yet what will happen to Parker, who violated LAPD policy by sharing audio captured by a personal recording device hewears while on patrol. The department is wrestling with whether publicly airing officers’ tapes violates the privacy of those who don’t know they’re being recorded.

“In lawenforce­ment, we see people at their worst moments,” Smith said. “They’re grieving, they’re angry, they’re devastated… I don’t think the public wants their saddest or most embarrassi­ng moments put out on TMZ.”

Parker knows he broke a rule, but thinks itwas justified. The alternativ­e— letting the story spread unchalleng­ed— might have escalated racial tensions and heightened risks to cops, he said.

Andmany people, officers and activists alike, are lining up on his side.

“Jim is a folk hero to a lot of people inside and outside the department,” Smith said.

“Jim Parker himself changed the discourse in America from‘ the LAPD is a bunch of bigots and here, they did it again,’ to people saying ‘ this woman is an idiot and that officer did a pretty good job.’ ”

 ?? KABC- TV ?? DANIELE WATTS and her boyfriend, Brian Lucas, have complained about their treatment by police investigat­ing a 911 call reporting lewd conduct in public.
KABC- TV DANIELE WATTS and her boyfriend, Brian Lucas, have complained about their treatment by police investigat­ing a 911 call reporting lewd conduct in public.
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