Los Angeles Times

Flip-flopping on states’ rights


Re “Veto this gun legislatio­n,” Editorial, March 8

The so-called Constituti­onal Concealed Carry Reciprocit­y Act is extremely disturbing, hypocritic­al and dishonest.

The website of Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the sponsor, states, “This bill strengthen­s states’ rights.” “States’ rights” means state self-government without federal interferen­ce. This bill is the exact opposite. It would forbid states from enforcing their anti-concealed carry laws against people from concealed-carry states.

Texas might have a right to allow concealed carry in Texas, but not nationwide. Only the federal government can do that.

Cornyn supports other federal anti-states’ rights laws, such as the PainCapabl­e Unborn Child Protection Act to prohibit abortion after 20 weeks (with limited exceptions), and the Federal Marriage Amendment. By those acts, the federal government would forbid states from allowing abortions beyond 20 weeks and marrying same-sex couples.

Cornyn and his ilk unquestion­ably would oppose federal laws requiring all states to recognize a same-sex marriage authorized by another state, or requiring all states to allow abortions for women to the same extent their home states do. They would argue states’ rights, even though they oppose states’ rights on these other subjects.

When lawmakers and Supreme Court justices don’t like a federal law, they support states’ rights against it — but they ignore states’ rights when they like the federal law.

Ira Spiro

Los Angeles The writer, an attorney, teaches constituti­onal law at People’s College of Law.

Instead of recommendi­ng that President Obama veto the bill, why not recommend that the bill be changed to include good federal standards (background checks and fingerprin­ts) and establish a federal concealed-carry permit that must be recognized by all the states?

I live in Connecticu­t, which has very tough gun laws. I would not have a problem with a federal permit with similar standards. I would like to be able to carry a legal weapon when I am traveling to other states and through dangerous areas of the country.

The articles that I have read on this (from both sides) only recommend veto or confrontat­ion rather than compromise.

Lawrence Durocher

Woodbury, Conn.

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