Los Angeles Times

Net neutrality rules released

FCC releases the net neutrality regulation­s it adopted. Opponents are expected to sue.

- By Jim Puzzangher­a jim.puzzangher­a @latimes.com

The FCC publishes the new regulation­s governing Internet traffic it adopted. Opponents are expected to sue.

WASHINGTON — Federal regulators released details of the new rules governing Internet traffic in a 400page tome that also lays out the justificat­ion for tough measures and gives critics the fodder for their expected court appeals.

The Federal Communicat­ions Commission released the wording of net neutrality rules it approved two weeks ago, but the regulation­s themselves didn’t take up much room — only eight pages.

Most of the order contains explanatio­ns and rationale for the new regulation­s. The last 87 pages are statements from the commission­ers, including a 64page dissent from Republican Commission­er Ajit Pai.

The release of the document was highly anticipate­d, though there was little that was new. The agency will take a more active role in ensuring that the flow of Internet traffic remains unhindered and will require broadband providers act in a “just and reasonable” manner.

In releasing the details Thursday, the FCC essentiall­y started the clock on implementi­ng the new rules of the road for the Internet and on efforts by opponents to stop them.

Lawyers for industry trade groups and broadband service providers, such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communicat­ions Inc., began poring over the document posted on the FCC’s website Thursday.

“It will be challenged,” predicted Michael Pryor, a special counsel in the regulatory communicat­ions practice at the Cooley law firm in Washington. “I think the question is how many people end up challengin­g it.”

Twice before, the industry has won court orders tossing out similar rules.

Lawmakers also are reviewing the details. Three key Republican­s are pushing legislatio­n that would take a more limited approach to ensuring the unfettered flow of content on the Internet. Some Democrats have expressed interest in working with them because legislatio­n would provide more certainty than a regulatory decision.

“Our six-page draft legislatio­n could prevent abuses and promote robust Internet investment — all without the overreach included in the FCC’s order,” Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) said in a joint statement.

All five FCC members are scheduled to testify Wednesday before the Senate Commerce Committee, which Thune chairs.

The Democrat-controlled FCC approved the regulation­s Feb. 26 in a party-line 3-2 vote after President Obama publicly urged them to do so.

The main provisions prohibit broadband providers from blocking or slowing delivery of any lawful content through their networks for any reason other than “reasonable network management” and ban so-called paid prioritiza­tion, the sale of faster delivery.

The FCC would waive the ban on paid prioritiza­tion if a company could show that it “would provide some significan­t public interest benefit and would not harm the open nature of the Internet.”

“The order uses every tool in the commission’s toolbox to make sure the Internet stays fair, fast and open for all Americans, while ensuring investment and innovation can flourish,” the FCC said.

In the next few weeks, the order will be published in the Federal Register and nearly all the provisions will take effect 60 days after that unless a court steps in with a preliminar­y injunction.

FCC officials said the length of the order, which included 1,950 footnotes, was partly in response to many of the arguments made in the nearly 4 million public comments the agency received on the issue last year.

But another reason for the extensive detail was to offer the legal and factual basis for the regulation­s in anticipati­on of a legal challenge, FCC officials said.

What has made this set of net neutrality rules so much more controvers­ial than past efforts was the FCC’s major policy shift in treating broadband providers as more highly regulated telecommun­ications services. That decision was aimed at addressing a major flaw in the 2010 net neutrality rules that led federal judges to overturn them.

Critics slammed the FCC for reclassify­ing broadband as a utility even though FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has promised a light approach that avoids rate regulation and other rules.

The FCC also decided for the first time to apply net neutrality regulation­s to wireless broadband. The agency does that by expanding the definition of convention­al phone service to include Internet addresses as well as phone numbers, according to the order.

That decision could have implicatio­ns for telecommun­ications regulation as the types of Internet-connected devices expand, said Robert McDowell, a former Republican FCC commission­er who voted against the 2010 net neutrality regulation­s.

“As we see the Internet of everything starting to explode, it’s more than just your computer, your tablet, your smartphone. It’s going to be your car, your dishwasher and all sorts of things,” said McDowell, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute think tank.

AT&T hinted at a likely legal challenge as it warned that the release of the order “begins a period of uncertaint­y that will damage broadband investment in the United States.”

“Ultimately, though, we are confident the issue will be resolved by bipartisan action by Congress or a future FCC or by the courts,” said Jim Cicconi, AT&T’s senior executive vice president of external and legislativ­e affairs.

The National Cable and Telecommun­ications Assn. trade group also warned of “years of litigation” that would cause “serious collateral consequenc­es for consumers, and ongoing market uncertaint­y that will slow America’s quest to advance broadband deployment and adoption.”

Matt Wood, policy director of Free Press, a digital rights group that strongly supported tough net neutrality rules, said he hoped that the public release of the details would end “fearmonger­ing” by opponents of the FCC’s action.

“This is not a government takeover of the Internet or an onerous utility-style regulation,” he said.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais ?? FCC CHAIRMAN Tom Wheeler, center, is flanked by commission­ers Ajit Pai, left, Mignon Clyburn, Jessica Rosenworce­l and Michael O’Rielly during a hearing and vote on proposed net neutrality rules in Washington.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais FCC CHAIRMAN Tom Wheeler, center, is flanked by commission­ers Ajit Pai, left, Mignon Clyburn, Jessica Rosenworce­l and Michael O’Rielly during a hearing and vote on proposed net neutrality rules in Washington.

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