Los Angeles Times

Brother is shirking chores

- Send questions to Amy Dickinson by email to askamy@tribune.com.

Dear Amy: My younger brother has become very unhelpful around the house. Our parents got divorced about two years ago, and although it was rough at first I think my brother and I are doing OK. He is a freshman in high school; I am a junior.

My father has been very stressed, as he started a company around the time of the divorce. He asks us to do basic chores. I happily oblige. My brother is asked to do something and he puts it off until either he goes to soccer (so I end up doing it) or my father asks him multiple times.

I don’t have the time or energy to do his jobs and mine. Any advice?


Dear Tired: Everybody growing up with siblings faces the inequity of work and responsibi­lity. When I was your age, also growing up in a household with a stressed single parent, I had a sister whose job it was to clean a particular room. Let’s say (for the sake of argument) that she was the worker bee and I the malingerer. She threatened that if she found any of my possession­s in the room at the appointed cleaning time, she would throw them out the front door. And she did. In February.

When the snow finally melted, our lawn looked like a yard sale.

I’m not suggesting that you do this (although it was very effective), but there should be consequenc­es for not doing your chores.

In your brother’s case, the most logical consequenc­e is that he doesn’t go to soccer until he has done his jobs. Your father has to be willing to enforce this.

You should ask your father to call a family meeting. If you end up doing your brother’s chores, would your father (or your brother) be willing to compensate you? If your father gives your brother an allowance, he could both dock brother’s pay and reward you.

Dear Amy: When I was in school, libraries were places where people went to read and study in a quiet environmen­t. Librarians quickly squelched noisemaker­s with a “shush” and stern gaze.

I have recently begun frequentin­g local city and university libraries, as I am researchin­g various issues related to starting a company. However, the noise level at these libraries, without exception, makes it virtually impossible to concentrat­e.

I’m sitting at a local branch of a city library. Children are running around talking loudly, and their parents respond in kind. Staff members speak at a normal volume, making no effort to set an example. Patrons answer cellphones at a normal volume. Not 10 feet from me, two people are talking loudly while using a computer.

I recently went to a multistory library at a local university. Two floors were designated “Quiet Zones.” The entire library should be a quiet zone!

Whenever I ask people to please be quiet, they react like I am crazy to expect quiet in a library. Am I crazy?


Dear Frazzled: Crazy? No, but you are very much behind the times. Today’s libraries are morphing into community centers, with cafes, Wi-Fi, public computer terminals and, yes, kids.

I happen to think this is just right. If you want quiet, you can still find it in designated spaces at the library — or at home. Wearing earphones might help you stay in “the zone.”

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