Los Angeles Times

Where noir meets a ghost story

- By Noelene Clark noelene.clark@latimes.com


A Novel

Justine Larbalesti­er

Soho Teen: 320 pp., $18.99, 14 and older

Set in the gritty underworld of 1932 Sydney, Australia, over the course of 24 hours, “Razorhurst” is a historical fantasy embedded in an era when guns are outlawed and gangsters fight their gruesome battles with straight-edge razors. Blood flows freely in the streets of Surry Hills as the precarious peace between two rival mob bosses begins to unravel.

The seventh novel by Hugonomina­ted YA author Justine Larbalesti­er, “Razorhurst” is both fast-paced thriller and noir but with a paranormal twist: The story’s heroines can see ghosts.

Kelpie is a street urchin, a girl raised almost entirely by the dead. For Kelpie, seeing ghosts is sometimes a blessing, like when deceased schoolteac­her Miss Lee leads her to food and shelter. But sometimes it’s a curse: Ghosts can’t always be trusted. It is a mischievou­s one who serves as the story’s catalyst, leading Kelpie to the corpse of the right-hand man of one of the city’s top gangsters.

Standing over dead Jimmy Palmer is his moll, Dymphna Campbell, glamorous and notorious, widely dubbed the “Angel of Death” for her long string of dead beaus. Kelpie knows that Dymphna is mob boss Gloriana Nelson’s most-sought-after prostitute. But what Kelpie doesn’t know is that Dymphna can also see ghosts.

In Larbalesti­er’s acknowledg­ments, she credits her obsession with film noir classics “Out of the Past” and the Rita Hayworth-starring “Gilda” as a major influence on “Razorhurst,” and indeed, the hard-boiled tale feels like a love letter to the femme fatale.

Dymphna hides her wiles and keen intellect behind a facade of charm and deference. “She held a finger to her lips,” Larbalesti­er writes, “curving them as charmingly as she could, meeting his eyes, willing him not to betray them, trying to slow her breath, the beating of her heart, all while the ghost of Jimmy Palmer begged her to stop ignoring him.... Much harder than not looking at him was not asking him what had happened.”

Dymphna and Kelpie — sought by the police as well as by Gloriana and her rival Mr. Davidson — topple the fragile balance between the two mob bosses, leaving a trail of bodies (and ghosts) behind. And though Larbalesti­er’s depiction of violence is often graphic, it’s never gratuitous.

The girls encounter a cast of colorful characters along the way. Larbalesti­er’s most compelling character isn’t a person or even a ghost but rather a place: her meticulous historical research (Larbalesti­er is a former academic) has led to a vivid depiction of Surry Hills, a real-life neighborho­od that was so bloody in the 1920s and ’30s it was dubbed Razorhurst by a Sydney tabloid. It’s a place and a period likely unfamiliar to most North American readers but richly realized in “Razorhurst” page by page, with each new landmark, memory or hiding place that Dymphna and Kelpie explore.

Expertly woven into the narrative are short vignettes that flesh out the history of certain places or people — a literary device that could feel clunky or forced in less adept hands but here serves to deepen the reader’s understand­ing of and attachment to the kaleidosco­pe of characters in Larbalesti­er’s masterfull­y constructe­d tale.

“Razorhurst” is more gory and, despite the youth of its protagonis­ts, perhaps more adult in theme than many of its YA contempora­ries. It is also better written and more lavishly imagined. And though “Razorhurst’s” too-neat ending might not haunt the reader, Larbalesti­er’s elaborate world is sure to linger.

 ?? Niki Bern
has written her seventh novel.
Niki Bern Soho Teen JUSTINE LARBALESTI­ER has written her seventh novel.
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