Los Angeles Times

Keeping germs at bay


Catharine Hamm’s column had many helpful suggestion­s [“Make Sure Germs Don’t Hitch a Ride,” On the Spot, March 8].

I travel well over 100,000 miles annually and used to get sick often during my travels. I finally decided to do what I could within reason to reduce this.

I wipe down the seat, seat belt and other hightouch areas with medicalgra­de sanitizing wipes that kill viruses and bacteria (most so-called sanitizing wipes kill only bacteria). I try to do this in hotels as well: light switches, faucet handles, door knobs, etc.

I always travel with George Eby’s zinc lozenges and Quick Defense capsules (recommende­d by my doctor). If I am next to someone sick or feel even the hint of a tickle in my throat, I start the zinc lozenges and take them continuous­ly for a few days. I take the Quick Defense every three to four hours for three days.

As for the sanitizing wipes, I usually buy them on Amazon or other online retailers.


:: Thank you for the column on traveling germs.

On a trip from London to L.A., I was seated next to a very tiny woman. She sat cross-legged for much of the flight, and her foot next to my thigh and the armrest was as dirty as I’d seen in a long time (as a mother of boys and a nurse), and she coughed often. I washed hands as often as I could, but a couple of days later I was hospitaliz­ed and then spent the next three weeks in bed with pneumonia.

Travel is really a hazard, even with sanitizers.

Thanks for a great column.


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