Los Angeles Times

What comes after the abortion wars

- By Charles C. Camosy he abortion Charles C. Camosy is associate professor of theologica­l and social ethics at Fordham University. He is author of several books, including the newly released “Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation.”

Twars have been devastatin­g. To be sure, they have made it virtually impossible to enact policies that actually reflect the will of the people when it comes to abortion. Their toxicity also has infected other issues, from healthcare reform to Supreme Court confirmati­ons. Even now an abortion-related squabble risks derailing an important bill protecting the victims of human sex traffickin­g.

This lingering “us versus them” mentality stems from 1970s-style culture war polarizati­on. But such dug-in, take-no-prisoners abortion politics can’t last much longer. Shifting politics, legal developmen­ts and, especially, changing demographi­cs suggest that we can and must do this debate differentl­y. Indeed, taken together, these data show that substantia­l changes are simply inevitable.

Two groups that represent the future of the United States — millennial­s and Latinos — know nothing of the culture wars. Indeed, a huge percentage of young people have explicitly rejected them: 50% refuse to identity as Republican or Democrat.

Neither group fits comfortabl­y with the pro-choice or pro-life camp either. While wanting legal abortion in some form, support for sharply restrictin­g abortion is growing fastest among millennial­s.

Pro-choice activist groups are spooked: Young people who identify as pro-life are twice as likely as those who are pro-choice to consider abortion an important issue, according to research from NARAL, an abortion rights advocacy group. A remarkably low 37% of millennial­s consider abortion to be morally acceptable, according to the 2012 Millennial Values Survey.

Given their median age of 27 and the fact that they make up a large share of the coming “minority majority” in the U.S. population, Latinos are also poised to play a huge role in politics in general and abortion politics in particular. While it is clear they also don’t want abortion to be made illegal, Latinos are significan­tly more pro-life than other Americans. For instance, 51% of Latinos want abortion banned in all or most cases, compared with only 41% of the population at large, according to a study from the Pew Research Center.

Moreover, even before the new demographi­cs can force a change in abortion politics, it’s clear that the lazy “you’re either for it or against it” binary is far too simplistic. For example, in 2009 a quarter of the Democratic caucus made tough pro-life votes. A 2011 Gallup Poll found that 27% of Democrats identify as pro-life, with 44% saying that abortion should be legal in “few or no circumstan­ces.” This while 28% of Republican­s identify as pro-choice, with 63% saying that some abortions should remain legal.

Furthermor­e, significan­t majorities of Americans say that the term “pro-choice” describes them somewhat or very well, while simultaneo­usly saying that the term “pro-life” describes them somewhat or very well.

Given this complexity, perhaps it is not surprising to find that 61% of Americans believe that abortion should be broadly legal during the first trimester — while only 27% support it during the second, according to Gallup.

Despite the prevalence of the “us and them” meme in our abortion discourse and politickin­g, Americans have already rejected the choice/life binary, and the next generation will find the notion positively antiquated.

But that’s public opinion. What about the law? Doesn’t the Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs. Wade, which establishe­d abortion rights based on the constituti­onal right to privacy, mean that the either/or approach has to dominate in legislatio­n and politics?

That thinking misses the fundamenta­l legal shift that happened after Roe. In Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, the Supreme Court (under the influence of Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy) shifted from a focus on privacy to discussing whether an abortion law poses an “undue burden” on women. Both federal and state government­s can (and do) now pass abortion restrictio­ns that can be consistent with the Constituti­on as long as due attention is paid to the burden these laws would impose on women.

So if it is legally possible to pass more restrictiv­e and nuanced abortion laws, and if it’s what the public wants, what would such laws look like? What kind of national legislatio­n would break the us/them impasse and meet the needs of the next generation and the Constituti­on?

Continenta­l Europe, in some ways, could serve as a model for what a new balancing act might look like.

Although the United States struggles with even modest attempts to limit abortion beyond 20 weeks, consider this list of countries that have set the limit at 12 weeks or less: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Of course, these countries already provide massive government­al support for women and for childbeari­ng and raising. The equivalent for the United States might include a guarantee that women be given equal pay for equal work, a mandate for generous paid paternity leave, increased legal protection­s against job discrimina­tion for women with children and subsidized child care.

Could mainstream pro-lifers, despite many deep connection­s with the Republican Party, ever agree to this kind of compromise? When powerful conservati­ve voices like columnist Ross Douthat suggest that abortion restrictio­ns in the United States may not work at all without this social support for women, signs point to yes. And prochoice liberals? When important activists like Frances Kissling, the former head of Catholics for Choice, argue that second-trimester abortions should be considered differentl­y from those early in pregnancy, there is hope for true progress.

Reasons for such hope will only increase over time. A new generation is poised to reject the abortion wars in favor of a more authentic, nuanced and productive approach. To be sure, those who benefit from our incoherent abortion politics will resist such change.

But their days are numbered.

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