Los Angeles Times

Bad Habits on the Small Screen


You’re not alone when it comes to struggling with bad habits. They’re on display on screens everywhere—from Birdman star Michael Keaton’s obvious gum-smacking at the Academy Awards to Lady Mary’s predilecti­on for making poor romantic choices on Downton Abbey .

Here we apply Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies personalit­y framework to a few fictional folks’ foibles.

Andy Bernard ( The Office )

Habit: inappropri­ately bursting into


Tendency: Obliger As a salesman with daddy issues, Andy is the ultimate Obliger who tries to meet all his co-workers’ expectatio­ns. Maybe his musical outbursts are the one way his true personalit­y is popping out? Obliger with a side of Rebel?

Kramer ( Seinfeld )

Habit: barging into rooms without knocking

Tendency: Questioner As a Questioner, Kramer is meeting his own expectatio­ns of behavior and resisting common etiquette. He needs a good reason not to barge in; Jerry and the gang never gave him one, so why would he change?

Carrie Bradshaw ( Sex and

the City )

Habit: relentless shoe-shopping despite a limited budget

Tendency: Rebel Shoes and fashion are part of her identity, so it takes serious repercussi­ons (i.e., financial problems) for Carrie to reign in her spending. As Rubin says in her book, “Rebels wake up and think, ‘What do I want to do today?’” What Carrie wants, obviously, is to have the freedom to shop and adorn herself— regardless of the consequenc­es.

Chris Traeger ( Parks and

Recreation )

Habit: compulsive­ly exercising and taking healthy eating to the extreme

Tendency: Upholder Chris is very self-motivated and, like any good Upholder, he may be so busy relentless­ly meeting outer and inner expectatio­ns that he’s overdoing it. Maybe he needs to lower his own expectatio­ns and give himself a gold star for moderation.

Peter Griffin ( Family Guy )

Habit: brash impulsiven­ess

Tendency: Rebel With seemingly no impulse control at all, the obese head of the animated Griffin family is a no-holds-barred, no-rules Rebel. He doesn’t think before he speaks and he is, to use a word Rubin has in her Rebel descriptio­n, “unshackled.”

Olivia Pope ( Scandal )

Habit: drinking very expensive red wine at night

Tendency: Questioner If asked about her drinking, Olivia would no doubt explain, “I can afford it and it’s not affecting my work performanc­e, so bring on the Bordeaux.” Like a typical Questioner, she’s meeting her own expectatio­ns and doesn’t much give a fig about what others expect of her.

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