Los Angeles Times

A clock so precise it’s beyond space and time

- By Deborah Netburn deborah.netburn @latimes.com Twitter: @DeborahNet­burn

Scientists have created an atomic clock so precise that it won’t lose or gain a single second in 15 billion years — longer than our universe is old.

It’s so accurate that it can detect tiny changes in the speed of its ticks depending on the varying pull of gravity. It can distinguis­h whether it is 2 centimeter­s closer or farther from the center of Earth.

“Time can be intricatel­y connected to gravity,” said Jun Ye, a physicist at JILA, a joint institute of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, and the University of Colorado, Boulder. “It sounds like science fiction, but these measuremen­ts are a reality.”

The ability of a hypersensi­tive clock to determine small difference­s in altitude is based on Einstein’s prediction that the farther one gets from the center of an attractor — such as Earth — the faster time moves.

Researcher­s long ago proved this theory by comparing the speed of clocks separated by vast difference­s, either on board satellites in orbits a few dozen miles apart, or by comparing the ticks of clocks telling time at sea level and those placed on a mountainto­p.

Five years ago, researcher­s at NIST created a clock so sensitive that it could detect the difference in time between two elevations just a foot from each other.

But the new clock is even better.

“Now, when we measure this very weird property of time fabric in the laboratory, even a 2-centimeter change will result in a detectable time change in the clock,” Ye said.

The clock, described last month in the journal Nature Communicat­ions, is a tweaked version of an optical lattice clock that measures the oscillatio­ns of strontium atoms that have been trapped in a network of lasers.

Ye, the principal investigat­or on the paper, explained that the clock measures the speed of an electron as it zips around the nucleus of a strontium atom at the rate of about a million billion orbits per second.

To calculate this movement, the researcher­s hit a few thousand strontium atoms at a time with what they call a “clock laser.” The laser can be tuned so that the peaks and troughs in its electric field match the oscillatio­n of the electrons.

The result is a clock that is several orders of magnitude more accurate than the cesium microwave clock that governs official time today.

“The clock we use now is like a watch with a hand that moves 9 billion times per second,” Ye said. “The ‘watch’ we are working on moves at the speed of a million billion times per second; we are basically keeping track of ripples of light.”

In this iteration of the optical lattice clock, researcher­s reduced time-telling errors by installing highly sensitive thermomete­rs around the trapped atoms so the effects of heat from the surroundin­g environmen­t could be better measured.

They were also able to reduce the effects of the laser net on the individual atoms, and they used one of the most stable lasers in the world to take the measure of the electron movement.

These tweaks lead to a clock that is at least three times more precise than the previous world-record holder, introduced last year. The authors anticipate continued progress.

A clock with this level of precision may seem like overkill, but it could be used to improve our understand­ing of the shape of Earth, help conduct tests of the fundamenta­l laws that govern space and time, and provide a new pathway for investigat­ing dark matter.

And the possibilit­ies grow as the clocks grow more precise.

“If we can make a clock 1,000 times more accurate, we could hear the symphony of the universe,” Ye said. “For instance, you would sense how space-time shifts when a distant galaxy explodes.”

 ?? JILA ?? A NEW atomic clock, which adjusts for gravity’s pull, won’t lose or gain a second in 15 billion years.
JILA A NEW atomic clock, which adjusts for gravity’s pull, won’t lose or gain a second in 15 billion years.

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