Los Angeles Times

GOP amendments could sink Iran bill

Changes to a measure to allow congressio­nal review of any nuclear deal may cost needed Democratic support.

- By Paul Richter and Lisa Mascaro paul.richter@latimes.com Twitter: @richtpau lisa.mascaro@latimes.com Twitter: @lisamascar­o

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan bill for Congress to review any nuclear agreement with Iran faced new danger Thursday as Republican senators sought to force votes on controvers­ial amendments that leaders had hoped to avoid.

Senate Republican and Democratic leaders have worked all week to shield the bill from politicall­y sensitive changes that are likely to drive away some Democratic supporters and sink its chances for passage.

Presidenti­al campaign politics have complicate­d the process. One such amendment, from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a presidenti­al candidate, would require Iran to recognize Israel’s right to exist, something all senators would like to see, but that Iran is unlikely to do. The issue was not on the table during more than 10 years of negotiatio­ns over Iran’s nuclear program.

But Republican senators pressed hard for their proposals, arguing that the legislatio­n needed to be tough enough to protect U.S. and Israeli security.

Negotiator­s from the United States and five other world powers are seeking to complete a comprehens­ive deal with Tehran by June 30 that would lift sanctions on Iran if it accepts restrictio­ns and inspection­s designed to prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

The Senate debate was interrupte­d Thursday as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), in an unusual move, brought two amendments to the floor — including the amendment on Israel — over the wishes of lawmakers who have managed the deliberati­ons.

Cotton said the proposals were not “poison pills,” as critics claim, but “vitamin pills” that will strengthen the legislatio­n.

The clash raised the possibilit­y that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) would need to shut down debate or withdraw the legislatio­n for a few days, if not indefinite­ly.

“We’re all balled up,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the second-ranking Senate Republican.

He said that he hoped the legislatio­n could move ahead but that “it’s going to take a while for everybody to cool down.”

The bill, sponsored by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and the committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (DMd.), sets a procedure for Congress to review any nuclear agreement with Iran over a period of at least 30 days, and then vote on whether to lift economic sanctions that Congress has imposed on Iran.

The White House, which had previously threatened to veto legislatio­n that would insert the Senate into the nuclear deal, backed down and agreed to support the proposed bill, which passed unanimousl­y in the committee. President Obama has warned that he will veto the measure if it is revised in ways he believes could threaten the delicate negotiatio­ns.

Republican senators have proposed 67 amendments, including some politicall­y sensitive ones that Democrats have been reluctant to vote against.

One Republican amendment, from Cotton, Rubio and fellow presidenti­al candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (RTexas) would require the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and to move the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv. Washington considers Tel Aviv the capital under long-standing policy.

Democrats, who fear that such amendments are meant to sink the bill, are reluctant to allow votes on them unless GOP leaders agree that some Republican­s will also vote against them. Otherwise, they worry that “no” votes could be used against them in future campaigns.

But negotiatio­ns have not yielded a deal on how to approach sensitive amendments. And the debate has put McConnell in an increasing­ly awkward position. He is wary of resisting fellow Republican­s after promising “robust” deliberati­ons over the legislatio­n.

McConnell faces tough choices. He could call for a vote on the legislatio­n without allowing further changes. That would probably allow the bill to advance, but it could anger colleagues who would be denied the chance to amend the bill.

It would also put McConnell in the politicall­y uncomforta­ble position of relying on Democrats, rather than on fellow Republican­s, to move legislatio­n that the White House accepts on a national security priority.

He could also try to negotiate a deal to put forth fewer amendments.

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