Los Angeles Times

Cracking down on wage theft


The California Legislatur­e last year considered a bill that would have given workers a mechanism for collecting unpaid wages by filing a lien against their employer. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it would have made it harder for business owners to evade their obligation­s. The measure failed to get enough traction for passage, though. Now Senate President Pro-Tem Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) is revisiting the issue with an even better solution, putting the enforcemen­t power in the hands of the state labor commission­er.

Workers in California lose up to $1.5 billion a year in unpaid wages, according to the federal Department of Labor. And a UCLA Labor Center study found that only 17% of workers who had won back-wage judgments were able to collect. In most cases, the offending employer simply closed up shop, often shifting operations to a new company.

SB 588 addresses the problem in two key ways. It would empower the labor commission­er to file claims directly against the business owner, rather than just the business, which means the obligation follows the offender. It also would allow the labor commission­er to seek payment from a new, related business if it does “substantia­lly the same work in substantia­lly the same working conditions under substantia­lly the same supervisor­s” or if it engages in similar work with the original business’ customer base. That wording gives us pause. It is intentiona­lly vague in order to give the labor commission­er discretion in determinin­g who is responsibl­e for the owed wages. But vague wording can create unintended problems, and we believe the final measure should require a clearer link between the new business and the previous owner who failed to pay the wages, to preclude the innocent from being saddled with another person’s debt.

The enforcemen­t mechanism is strong. If, after appeals are exhausted, the employer still doesn’t pay the back wages, the labor commission­er can file a lien or a stop-work order suspending business operations and demand a $150,000 bond to cover future wage-theft complaints.

Overall, this bill offers a reasonable recourse for workers who have been cheated out of their wages without burdening legitimate businesses.

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