Los Angeles Times

Religion on the decline in U.S.

Number of Christians falls, and the trend is expected to continue as young adults age.

- By David Lauter and Hailey Branson-Potts

WASHINGTON — The U.S. has become significan­tly less Christian in recent years as the share of American adults who espouse no systematic religious belief has increased sharply, a major new study found.

For what is probably the first time in U.S. history, the number of American Christians has declined. Christiani­ty, however, remains by far the nation’s dominant religious tradition, according to the report by the nonpartisa­n Pew Research Center.

The erosion in traditiona­l religious ranks seems likely to continue. Among Americans aged 18 to 33, slightly more than half identify as Christian, compared with about 8 in 10 in the baby boom generation and older age groups, the data show.

Moreover, in a reverse of previous patterns, younger Americans do not appear to be adhering more to traditiona­l faiths as they become parents. Just the opposite seems to be happening: Members of the millennial generation have grown less religious as they age.

The rapid increase in the number of adults without ties to traditiona­l religious institutio­ns has strong implicatio­ns for other social institutio­ns and for politics.

Whether a person attends religious services regularly is among the strongest predictors of how he or she will vote, with traditiona­l religion strongly tied to the Republican Party, at least among white Americans.

The decline in traditiona­l religious belief adds to the demographi­c challenges facing the GOP, which already faces difficulti­es because of its reliance on white voters in a country that has grown more racially diverse.

The interactio­n between religion and politics may work both ways. Some scholars believe that close ties between traditiona­l religion and conservati­sm, particular­ly on issues such as samesex marriage, have led many younger Americans to cut ties with organized religion.

Opposition to same-sex marriage on the part of religious conservati­ves “is turning off so many people from Christiani­ty,” said Phil Zuckerman, a sociology professor at Pitzer College who specialize­s in secularism. “We’re seeing a backlash” against the linking of religion and politics.

Almost 1 in 5 American adults was raised in a religious tradition but is now unaffiliat­ed, the study found. By contrast, only 4% have moved in the other direction.

A leading conservati­ve religious figure, however, said the survey results could be a positive developmen­t. People who once would have been “pretend Christian” are being more honest about their beliefs, said Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Churches should not try to water down their beliefs on issues such as marriage to appeal to a broader audience, he said. “AlmostChri­stianity not only isn’t authentic; it’s dangerous to people’s souls.”

Because the U.S. Census Bureau does not ask questions about religion, the Pew Research Center’s massive religion surveys have become a chief source of informatio­n on the religious landscape.

The current survey questioned 35,071 U.S. adults last summer. Its huge size allows detailed analysis of even fairly small religious groups. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus six-tenths of a percentage point.

The study found the U.S. still far more religious than most other economical­ly advanced countries. But the significan­t increase in the share of Americans who do not follow traditiona­l religious belief mirrors trends in Europe and elsewhere.

“It’s becoming much more possible, much more viable, to identify as secular” in the U.S. today, Zuckerman said. In previous generation­s, a lack of religious affiliatio­n was widely viewed as un-American, he said.

Nationwide, just short of a quarter of Americans describe themselves as agnostic, atheist or simply “nothing in particular,” up from roughly 1 in 6 in 2007, according to the study. The ranks of the “nones,” as the study labels them, have grown in large part from people abandoning the religions in which they were raised.

That trend toward more secularism is particular­ly strong in the West, where “unaffiliat­ed” is now the single largest religious grouping, at 28%, compared with 23% who identify as Catholic, 22% evangelica­l Protestant and 11% as mainline Protestant, the Pew data show. The South remains the most heavily Christian part of the nation.

In the Los Angeles metropolit­an region, about onequarter of adults are unaffiliat­ed and about one-third are Catholic, the data show. Two other large Western metropolit­an regions, Seattle and San Francisco, rank as the most secular of the country’s largest urban areas, with more than one-third of adults having no religious affiliatio­n.

Although younger Americans are much more likely to have no religion than older generation­s, the decline in organized religious belief has affected nearly all population groups — native-born and immigrant; whites, blacks and Latinos; and those with and without college educations, the Pew data found.

The decline has been sharpest among Americans born since the mid-1960s. And in those groups, organized religion does not appear to be gaining adherents as people age. In 2007, for example, about one-quarter of Americans aged 18 to 26 said they had no religion. In 2014, in that same cohort — now aged 25 to 33 — just over onethird said they had no religion.

“If you work in the church, you see it happening. We have growing numbers of congregati­ons that are having a hard time retaining their membership numbers,” said Bishop R. Guy Erwin of the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelica­l Lutheran Church, based in Glendale.

“The people who are churchgoer­s are an aging generation, and they’re not being replaced by younger people,” he said. “We can’t just assume that we can do the same old stuff and still be successful.”

Married people are more likely to have a religious affiliatio­n than the unmarried, but both groups have grown less attached to organized religion in recent years, the Pew data show. Among married adults, 18% describe themselves as religious nones, and among the unmarried, 28% do. Those who are unmarried but living with a partner are particular­ly likely to be unaffiliat­ed.

With the growth of the religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed, Christian ranks have eroded. About 173 million adult Americans identified as Christian when asked last year. That’s just under 71% of the U.S. population, down from 178 million, or 78%, in 2007. The total U.S. adult population grew by about 8% during that seven-year period.

Protestant­s once dominated in the U.S., but are no longer a majority, the study found. About 47% of the U.S. population identifies with some Protestant denominati­on, down from slightly more than half in 2007.

The decline has been uneven, with mainline denominati­ons, such as Methodists and Presbyteri­ans, shrinking more quickly than evangelica­l churches.

Slightly fewer than 1 in 6 adult Americans identifies with a mainline Protestant church, according to the survey. Evangelica­ls, by contrast, make up about onequarter of the adult U.S. population. They now constitute a majority among those who identify as Protestant.

An additional 7% of American adults identify with historical­ly black Protestant churches, a share that has remained relatively stable.

Catholics, who represent about 1 in 5 Americans, also have seen some decline in numbers since 2007, the study found, although some other studies have found a recent uptick. Almost 13% of American adults are former Catholics — the largest single group of people who have left a faith in which they were raised.

Among non-Christian faiths, Judaism remains the largest in the U.S., although only about 2% of the U.S. population identifies as Jewish. The share is up very slightly from what the survey found in 2007.

Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism each have less than 1% of the U.S. population, although the Muslim and Hindu population­s have grown rapidly, reflecting emigration from Asia. Among immigrants who have arrived in the U.S. since 1990, almost 1 in 6 identifies with a non-Christian faith.

 ?? Christina House
For The Times ?? CHRISTIANS GATHER for a nondenomin­ational sunrise service this Easter in Huntington Beach. About a quarter of adults in the L.A. metropolit­an region are unaffiliat­ed and about a third are Catholic, a poll found.
Christina House For The Times CHRISTIANS GATHER for a nondenomin­ational sunrise service this Easter in Huntington Beach. About a quarter of adults in the L.A. metropolit­an region are unaffiliat­ed and about a third are Catholic, a poll found.

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