Los Angeles Times

Committed to ‘open’?

- askamy@tribune.com

Dear Amy: I have been dating “Steve” for almost four months. He is divorced and has a young child. We are both in our late 30s.

Based on conversati­ons we’ve had, I was under the impression we were a “couple,” as we spent most of his nonchild time together.

Early on, he told me that in the past his relationsh­ips (including that with his exwife) were “open,” but it wasn’t something he actively looked for — they just happened.

He said he was looking for a committed relationsh­ip. I admired his honestly and openness. However, recently when I pushed for more of a commitment he informed me that he has been in open relationsh­ips with “friends” regularly. Now he seems to be involved with two women — one who is going through a divorce and the other who is just a friend.

He’s been with one woman for a long time. Both women know about me. He said one of them is open to “exploring” more with him and me. He also said a committed relationsh­ip can still be an open one.

Do you think it’s possible to have a stable “open” relationsh­ip and also a committed relationsh­ip? I’ve fallen hard for this guy.

Should I be open to “open?”

Feeling Naive

Dear Naive: It is curious that “Steve” defines his choice to sleep with multiple people as an “open” relationsh­ip with you. (If you didn’t know about it and didn’t consent to it, it’s not “open.”) Using his terminolog­y and logic, I’m going to call my choice to eat my way through the “endless shrimp” experience at Red Lobster “open eating.” Steve can call his version of nonmonogam­y whatever he wants, but it still sounds like he’s trolling for crustacean­s.

He has one long-term sexual partner, another more recent partner and you — his romantic and sexual partner of a few months. So far, you have no say in his choices. In some “open” or nonmonogam­ous relationsh­ips, the “primary” romantic partner gets a vote on other potential sexual partners. And because he says he wants to be in a “committed” relationsh­ip but this other sexual stuff just “keeps happening,” it’s possible that Steve has a control problem (in that he doesn’t have much control).

I think committed relationsh­ips can work alongside almost any other kind of behavior as long as the commitment and the relationsh­ip come first. You and he need to define very clearly what the word “commitment” means to each of you.

If you want to play with him and other consenting adults, then go for it. Always use a condom with all partners, especially Steve. This sort of arrangemen­t means it’s “open season” for STDs.

Dear Amy: I have several friends I never get to talk to unless I call them. Finally I have gotten sick of it and have stopped calling them. If they are too busy to call me, then I am too busy to call them.

Do you think I am doing the right thing?

No Rings in WV

Dear No Rings: I understand your logic and your desire to be in more balanced relationsh­ips.

These friends are doing what they want to do. They don’t seem to feel inclined or obligated to keep in touch by phone. And so you should do exactly what you want to do too. If you want to call, then do. Don’t stay away just to make a point, because they might not notice.

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