Los Angeles Times

Hackers may have 4 million U.S. workers’ data

The cyberattac­k on a federal personnel agency system was based in China.

- By Christi Parsons christi.parsons@latimes.com Twitter: @cparsons

Hackers based in China may have obtained personnel data on as many as 4 million federal employees in a large-scale cyberattac­k uncovered this spring, administra­tion officials confirmed Thursday.

Investigat­ors discovered signs of the attack in April while in the process of updating security on government computers, senior administra­tion officials said.

The intrusion appeared to have come before the adoption of tougher security controls this spring, officials said. Since uncovering the breach, the federal Office of Personnel Management, which was targeted in the attack, has been working to lock down its system, restrictin­g remote access for network administra­tors and reviewing all connection­s to make sure they’re open only to those with legitimate business.

The agency’s informatio­n technology system holds data on current and former employees and U.S. government contractor­s.

As the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security work to determine the full effects of the breach, the personnel office has been notifying millions of people that some of their personal informatio­n may have been stolen.

“Protecting our federal employee data from malicious cyber incidents is of the highest priority at OPM,” agency director Katherine Archuleta said in a statement late Thursday.

“We take very seriously our responsibi­lity to secure the informatio­n stored in our systems, and in coordinati­on with our agency partners, our experience­d team is constantly identifyin­g opportunit­ies to further protect the data with which we are entrusted.”

Besides notifying people who have been affected, Archuleta’s office is also offering credit report checks and monitoring as well as identity theft insurance for federal workers.

The latest incident appears to be the second time that hackers have penetrated the networks of the personnel office, the repository of personal informatio­n for the vast army of U.S. government employees. Law enforcemen­t officials uncovered signs of an attack this spring that hit not only that informatio­n but also that of the Government Printing Office and Government Accountabi­lity Office.

Responding to a rash of computer security problems earlier this year, which included the North Korean cyberattac­k on Sony Pictures, President Obama in April ordered sanctions on hackers who destroy or pilfer data from computer networks used by the U.S. gov- ernment and American businesses.

The penalties, which include economic and travel sanctions, were meant to deter costly attacks launched from abroad against U.S. targets.

Separately, the White House declined to comment on a New York Times report that in 2012 the administra­tion had expanded the National Security Agency’s surveillan­ce of internatio­nal In- ternet traffic to search for evidence of computer hacking.

The newspaper reported that the Justice Department wrote two classified memos in 2012 that authorized the spy agency to begin searching Internet cables for data linked to computer intrusions launched from abroad.

The new authority would allow the agency to monitor only patterns associated with computer intrusions that could be tied to foreign government­s, the report said.

Though he would not confirm any new directives, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest noted that the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act does allow investigat­ors to target foreign citizens outside the U.S. in order to acquire foreign intelligen­ce.

“That is a tool that our national security profession­als have found to be valuable in protecting the country from a variety of threats, particular­ly cyber threats,” Earnest said. “And this administra­tion remains committed to being vigilant about the ever-evolving threat that we face in cyberspace.”

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