Los Angeles Times

Keeping the pill affordable


In the 50 years since Griswold vs. Connecticu­t — in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Connecticu­t law banning contracept­ion for married couples— the right to birth control for all has become a cornerston­e of women’s healthcare and reproducti­ve freedom. But making it affordable to all women has not been easy. It wasn’t until 2000 that employers who offered prescripti­on drug coverage were compelled to cover prescripti­on birth control as well. More recently, despite protests from Republican­s and religious groups, the contracept­ive mandate in the Affordable Care Act was enacted, requiring all insurers to cover birth control with no copay.

Nowthere are new efforts to make it easier for some oral contracept­ives to be to be sold over the counter, like aspirin, rather than by prescripti­on only. Wouldn’t that guarantee the most accessibil­ity? Theoretica­lly, yes, but not if women are stuck buying it without benefit of insurance. Consider Senate Bill 1438, introduced by U.S. Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Cory Gardner (RColo.). That bill would incentiviz­e drug companies to apply to the Food and Drug Administra­tion for permission to make their prescripti­on contracept­ives available over the counter by giving the drugs priority review and waiving the fee to apply. The bill would also repeal the Affordable Care Act’s ban on using a flexible spending account for over the counter medication­s.

All that sounds great. There’s just one big problem. Only prescripti­on drugs must be covered by insurers under the Affordable Care Act. There is no such requiremen­t for over-the-counter medication­s. Many women— if not all— would find themselves paying out of pocket for contracept­ion after not having to pay anything for it under the Affordable Care Act.

Opponents of the bill, including the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and the American Congress of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, have pointed out that birth control isn’t really accessible unless it’s affordable. And without insurance, oral contracept­ives can cost as much as $600 a year. Furthermor­e, the bill would bar anyone younger than 18 from purchasing the pills over the counter (although they could still get them with a doctor’s prescripti­on).

The better alternativ­e is Senate Bill 1532, just introduced by Sen. Patty Murray (DWash.). It calls for the continuati­on of complete insurance coverage of any oral contracept­ive after it goes from prescripti­on to over the counter. It would not set an age requiremen­t for purchase.

The American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts said in 2012 that oral contracept­ives are safe enough to be available over the counter. Not only are they likely to decrease unintended pregnancy rates, but they carry lower medical risks than pregnancy and have fewer side effects than many medicines already available over the counter at grocery stores. The group does not believe the drugs should be kept from users younger than 18.

The Senate would be smart to pass the Murray bill. If the FDA approves making oral contracept­ives available over the counter, Congress should continue to require insurers to cover its cost.

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