Los Angeles Times

The changing of the flag

Confederat­e banner took on new meaning for many after Charleston

- By Michael Muskal michael.muskal@latimes.com Twitter: @latimesmus­kal

Times are changing in the hearts of Dixie. On Wednesday, Alabama Gov. Robert J. Bentley, a Republican, became the first Southern governor to use his executive power to remove four Confederat­e banners from a monument on the Capitol grounds. It was the latest step in the search for a safe spot between heritage and racism.

“It has become a distractio­n all over the country right now,” Bentley told reporters. The Confederat­e battle f lag, which in modern times became a revered symbol to many in the South, “is offensive to some people because, unfortunat­ely, it’s like the swastika,” he said. “Some people have adopted that as part of their hate- filled groups.”

This is a far cry from the time — just last week — when officials vigorously defended Confederat­e symbols as honoring what some saw as a glorious rebel past. But when a gunman — whom authoritie­s identify as a young white supremacis­t who glorified the Confederac­y — opened fire in a historic black church in Charleston, S. C., killing nine African Americans who were studying the Bible, that Southern worldview radically shifted.

In recent days, politician­s in Virginia, South Carolina, Mississipp­i and Tennessee have questioned Confederat­e symbols including f lags and statues, while top retailers such as Wal- Mart and EBay have said they will no longer sell Confederat­e f lags, belt buckles, clothing and the like. Even the quintessen­tial Southern sport of stock- car racing announced it was walking away from Confederat­e symbols.

“This is symbolism,” said James Forman Jr., a professor at Yale Law School who has written about race and the Confederat­e f lag. “And symbolism matters.”

The fight over Confederat­e symbols is hardly new, but it took on added urgency after the shootings in Charleston, where Dylann Roof, 21, is being held on nine murder counts. Photos of Roof with Confederat­e symbols have surfaced along with racist documents mourning the loss of white domination.

The South is filled with memorials to the Confederac­y, including parks, schools, college mascots, street names and statues of famous leaders at state capitols. The list seems as endless as the battles over the symbolism.

In recent years, Confederat­e f lags sparked a fight in Georgia. There have also been controvers­ies over the naming of parks for prominent racists, especially Nathan Bedford Forrest, a lieutenant general in the Confederat­e Army and the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Tennessee officials are again calling for removing his statue from state grounds.

In New Orleans a battle is brewing over the landmark column and sculpture dedicated to Confederat­e hero Gen. Robert E. Lee, located at Lee Circle on St. Charles Avenue. Statues of Jefferson Davis, the only president of the Confederac­y, are an invitation to heated debates like the one underway about whether one such statue should be removed from Kentucky’s Capitol Rotunda.

“It makes sense that efforts to change Southern symbols comes on the heels of the Confederat­e- flag-supporting terrorism that killed nine people in Charleston,” said Ted Ownby, director of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississipp­i. But in a telephone interview, he argued for a broader view of history.

Many people look at the South’s history and see what historians call the “cavalier myth, an old idea that there was something distinctiv­e about the Southern upper class.” That group, which included some of the U. S. Founding Fathers who owned slaves, saw itself as educated aristocrac­y.

That view of the South changed over the Civil War. The loss to the North and the following years spawned a vision of the Confederac­y as a time of bravery and sacrifice in defense of the homeland. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, referred to those values when she described the Confederat­e battle f lag as “a symbol of respect, integrity and duty” for those who consider it a memorial.

But Haley went on to call for the f lag’s removal, noting: “This f lag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state.”

While the Charleston killings may have been the immediate spark for change, questions about race and violence have been building, Ownby said. He traced the start to the Trayvon Martin case, which pushed the issue of violence against blacks to the forefront. During a 2012 confrontat­ion in Florida, Martin, an unarmed teenager, was shot to death by George Zimmerman, who has described himself as a light- skinned Latino. Zimmerman was acquitted of second- degree murder.

Roof and other supremacis­ts also cite the Zimmerman case as part of the reason they see whites as losing standing.

There has also been a range of cases in the last year involving police violence against blacks, from Ferguson, Mo., to Staten Island, N. Y., to Baltimore to North Charleston, S. C. Those, too, have kept the issue in the forefront and have provided a fertile background for change, Ownby said.

Forman also cited Charleston but looked beyond.

“People in South Carolina were not just horrified by what happened at Emanuel [ African Methodist Episcopal Church], but were also moved by the kind of mercy and compassion and openhearte­dness that the victims of that crime showed in the aftermath,” Forman said. He also mentioned the slain pastor, Clementa Pinckney, a state senator whose body lay in state at the Capitol on Wednesday.

“It’s clear that the personal relationsh­ip is critical here,” Forman said of Pinckney and the decision to remove the Confederat­e f lag, which is pending in the state Legislatur­e. “People knew this man and by all accounts respected him. So some of this is local.”

Forman also sees the decision on the f lag as a gesture similar to efforts to remove racial slurs from public discourse.

“Symbolism is only part of the answer,” Forman said. “The same way the N- word has been retired, the f lag has been retired. It’s not easy, but it is easier than dealing with access to voting, race in the criminal justice system and equal opportunit­y.”

‘ Unfortunat­ely, it’s like the swastika. Some people have adopted that as part of their hate- filled groups.’ — Robert J. Bentley, governor of Alabama

 ?? Martin Swant
Associated Press ?? WORKERS TAKE DOWN a Confederat­e f lag on the grounds of the Alabama state Capitol in Montgomery, on the orders of Gov. Robert J. Bentley.
Martin Swant Associated Press WORKERS TAKE DOWN a Confederat­e f lag on the grounds of the Alabama state Capitol in Montgomery, on the orders of Gov. Robert J. Bentley.

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