Los Angeles Times

The roots of anti- Semitism


Re “Defining anti- Semitism at UC,” Editorial, July 16

Your editorial about the proposed definition­s of anti- Semitic actions and speech on University of California campuses raises a more important question: What is it about the societies of California, the United States and even the whole world that makes it necessary for the UC system to have a policy on anti- Semitism?

The United Nations has equated Zionism with racism ( U. N. General Assembly Resolution 3379, passed in 1975). Why?

Anti- Semitism seems to be a cultural given in our society. Why?

Stephen M. Baird

San Diego

I’m a proud, Israel- loving American Jew. I’ve been to Israel, and I fully support it. But its current government? As we say in my family, “Feh!”

By the way, I love my own country too. But the George W. Bush administra­tion? Again, “Feh!”

Government­s come and go, but the nation and the people outlive their current administra­tions and life goes on.

Oh, and those American members of Congress who say they vote with an eye toward what’s best for Israel? What would the Israelis call a Knesset member who said she or he would vote first for what’s best for America? A traitor.

Barry Davis

Agoura Hills

Regardless of the definition of anti- Semitism, it is the right of every Jewish student to be free of harassment. Safety is a priority, and each student has to feel secure on campus.

Getting an education is the reason for attending college, and a university’s duty is to forbid the imposition of communal guilt on Jewish students by antiIsrael and anti- Semitic elements. Safety and freedom from harassment are priorities.

Rhya Turovsky


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