Los Angeles Times

Getting Out for a mix of Southern California experience­s


We are Getting Out — and we hope you’ll join us. ¶ Late-night group runs or early morning surfing. Mountains or beaches, trails or tracks. On foot or on bikes. Could we live in a more alluring place for going outside? I’ve run on icy Moscow sidewalks, through smog-thickened Beijing air and while wiping my glasses in New York City downpours. But here in L.A.? It’s almost relentless­ly sunny. ¶ So welcome to Getting Out, a feature in which writers will consider the outdoor experience, including intimate accounts of being in the outdoors and practical how-tos. In today’s entry, I detail my weekly beach-side ritual. In the coming weeks, we’ll hear about a man who overcame his fear of the water, about organized outdoor workouts and about a group of people who combine running and art appreciati­on. ¶ We’d love to hear what you love to do outdoors. Tell us about great possibilit­ies by emailing me at mary.macvean@latimes.com, or on Twitter @mmacvean. And let us know about your experience­s by using the hashtag #gettingout on Twitter or Instagram. ¶ Now, enough reading: Get out!

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