Los Angeles Times

Legalize sex work but not sex buyers

- By Simon Hedlin and Birgitta Ohlsson Simon Hedlin is a former political advisor at the Swedish prime minister’s office. Twitter: @ simon hedlin Birgitta Ohlsson is a former minister of the Swedish Cabinet, a current member of parliament and the foreign

The human rights organizati­on Amnesty Internatio­nal voted this month to develop a policy that supports full decriminal­ization of prostituti­on— both selling and buying sex. Anti- traffickin­g organizati­ons and women’s rights activists in the U. S. criticized the move, but others have embraced it, including Washington Councilman David Grosso. He is now considerin­g introducin­g legislatio­n that would decriminal­ize prostituti­on in the nation’s capital.

Grosso is right when he says that America needs new prostituti­on laws that “respect the fact that sexworkers are human beings too.” But critics are also correct that blanket decriminal­ization is a terrible idea that could risk increasing human traffickin­g. Thereis a middle way: decriminal­ize the selling of sex, but criminaliz­e the buying of sex.

In 1999, Sweden pioneered this approach, which meets two essential objectives: It helps protect the human rights of people in prostituti­on while reducing the demand for paid sex, making commercial sexual exploitati­on less profitable.

Some allege that decriminal­izing the buying of sex would make prostituti­on safer and turn it into a profession like any other, both of which would aid the combat against human traffickin­g. But the evidence suggests otherwise.

New Zealand decriminal­ized the buying of sex in 2003. Five years later, its Prostituti­on Law Review Committee reported that the law did little to curb violence in the sex trade. Germany made it legal in 2001, but the industry has certainly not become like other profession­s. A federal government survey released in 2007 found that very few sex workers had a “contract of employment,” and it concluded that legalizati­on had not resulted in any “measurable improvemen­ts to prostitute­s’ social protection.” In the Netherland­s, where brothels are licensed by local government­s, monitoring the sex industry has severely drained public resources, and research has found that fighting sex traffickin­g therefore “may even be harder in the legalized prostituti­on sector.”

Notably, several studies of prostituti­on laws have reported that in countries where buying sex has been decriminal­ized, sex traffickin­g typically is more prevalent. This is not surprising. When it is easier to purchase, demand for commercial sex goes up and more money can be made from exploiting victims.

For trafficker­s, no buyers equals no business. The better policy alternativ­e for the United States is to follow Sweden’s approach and remove criminal sanctions for selling sexual services without making it permissibl­e to buy.

Although the Swedish model is by no means perfect, it is the best option. Norway, Iceland, Northern Ireland and Canada have adopted it. And the data suggest that it is working. In Sweden, a 2014 report estimated that the proportion of Swedish men who have paid for sex dropped from13% in 1996 — before the law was enacted— to 8% in 2008. By contrast, surveys have found that sex- buying rates in the U. S. have not changed much since the 1990s. Upto14% of American men have purchased sex at some point.

It is disgracefu­l that the United States, as reported by the Human Rights Project for Girls, jails victims of sex traffickin­g as offenders. By some counts, more than 90% of those who are arrested for prostituti­on in the United States are those who sell sex; fewer than10% are buyers.

Yet many people in prostituti­on are victims of exploitati­on, whereas buyers are often among the privileged. A 2013 survey of American men who frequently bought sex found that almost half had an annual income of $ 120,000 or more, and close to 80% had graduated from college.

Ultimately, decriminal­izing sellers and criminaliz­ing buyers is only part of the solution. Sex workers must have better access to housing, healthcare, education and opportunit­ies to leave the sex industry. There is more to be done not only in the U. S. but also in Sweden to address the widespread stigma, abuse and health risks in prostituti­on.

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